Immune System
The immune system is a system of complex cells and tissues that protect the body from viruses, bacteria and cancerous cells that are harmful to the human body.
It must be maintained by eating healthy foods, avoiding foods containing harmful fats, exercising, avoiding smoking and maintaining weight. Appropriate, sleep for an appropriate period, and pay attention to personal hygiene.
It must be maintained by eating healthy foods, avoiding foods containing harmful fats, exercising, avoiding smoking and maintaining weight. Appropriate, sleep for an appropriate period, and pay attention to personal hygiene.
Foods to strengthen the immune system
To strengthen the immune system many ways, such as eating a large number of foods, including:
It has a great role in strengthening the immune system. It contains a large percentage of antioxidants, sulfur, and silicium. It is anti-fungal and antibacterial. It has anti-cancer elements and strengthens blood circulation.
It has a large role in maintaining the immune system, and strengthens it, because it contains a number of minerals that eliminate germs and bacteria in the human body, and works to prevent cancer of the colon, and contains a large proportion of the elements of calcium and phosphorus; to maintain the health of teeth and bones, and can Eat any kind of favorite fruit, such as strawberry or strawberry, to make it more appetizing.
It has a great role in strengthening the immune system, because it is rich in useful elements that delay the manifestations of aging, and has a great effect in calming the nerves, and stimulate blood circulation, urination and clean the liver.
olive oil
It contains antibiotics, viruses, fungi and parasites. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, strengthens the immune system, lowers body sugar, reduces cardiovascular disease, helps eliminate LDL cholesterol, and maintains HDL cholesterol.
Fish and oil
Enhances the role of white blood cells in strengthening the immune system, protecting the body from inflammation and rheumatism, and contains a type of omega-3 fatty acids that enter the formation of the brain and eye in newborns, and for fish oil it works on the distribution of fat stored in the abdomen which may lead to diseases the heart.
vegetables and fruits
Containing elements and antioxidants, which increases the resistance of the immune system to diseases, and also contains the elements of natural ones, including Betacarotin, and compounds Flavipuidat. The most important of these vegetables and fruits; pomegranates, oranges, berries, red onions, yellow, tomatoes, avocados, cabbage, watermelon, strawberries, apples, red grapes, broccoli.
Spices and spices
Black pepper, salt, turmeric, cloves, cumin, apple cider vinegar, and lemon vinegar.
It has an excellent role in maintaining the immune system, and prevention of viral and bacterial diseases, including; cough and is treated with the black bean by grinding and adding to honey or drink with warm water.