Well of Barhout in Hadramout in Hemen

The valley of Barhout opens the valley and the well.
The valley is a valley in Hadramout.
This valley is known to have an ancient well known as the Barhut well, which is a well.
Well barhut of the devils
The width of the well is more than 100 meters and the depth of the bottom is about 250 meters.

And untold stories, has been quoted in some Islamic references: that the lives of infidels and hypocrites.
It was narrated that Ali ibn Abi Talib said: The most hated Bekaa to Allah is the Barhout Valley in Hadramout where the well is a black water that feeds the souls of infidels.
Valley of hadramawt
Hadramawt Map

It is narrated that a man has become a night in this valley; he said: I used to hear the length of the night, "O Dumah Ya Domah."
I mentioned this to some scholars.
He said: The king is the one who is loyal to the life of the infidels.
After a long hesitation, Hamoud bin Mahfouz decided to make a scientific trip to Be'er Barhout and write a report for National Geographic.
He is a professor at Hadramout University.
He heads the Department of Geography and teaches natural geography.
Submitted to the university request to finance the trip, was their response that they will provide him with such a gallon of gasoline!
He did not even think about taking the paper or losing any part of his energy in arguing with them.
Ten years ago, he visited the well. He turned around and looked at the depths of the well, stretching on his stomach.
His scientific curiosity ended at that point.
This time, he decided to go down to the well, taking photographs and samples of its water and rocks.
Prepare for the trip, spend all the savings in the bank, and eagerly wait for the end of the semester and examinations.
In mid-July, he drove his four-wheel-drive Nissan Patrol, accompanied by a supporter, and a student from the skilled Badia.
They left from the city of Mukalla to the city of Al-Ghayza, the capital of Al-Mahra province, where they spent the night hosted by a friend of Ben Mahfouz.
The next day they followed their path. In the middle of the day they reached the well and drew their attention to a swarm of pigeons coming in and out of the borehole with a diameter of 25 meters in diameter.
They had a light sandwiches and then started working.
Hamoud bin Mahfouz tied himself with a rope to the shock absorber in his car and landed with his tool bag and a digital video camera.
The car slowly returned. Hmoud bin Mahfouz recalls that he sings smoothly to the modern Hadith, which states that the lives of infidels and hypocrites settle in this abyss.
The novel attributed to Ali bin Abi Talib that the wells of the most hated Barahot the earth to God Almighty.
He heard clearly the roar of the water that was growing stronger.
A thin column of sunlight illuminated a far corner from the very wide bottom at the bottom.
After seven minutes he put his feet on soft bottom soil.
He freed himself from the rope, and began to paint the walls of the well, and stopped him with a shape carved by nature on the stones ..
A picture in the form of an owl with a human head and right hand raised up and holding the alcove - the machete - connected to the spirit of full rotation.
He smiled and remembered what the history books told him that Mr. Dumas, the angel who is entrusted with the lives of the infidels, lives in this conch.
He did not see the water, but he saw many caverns, and at one of them he saw a vegetable.
He lost his gun, realizing that he was the son of the desert that the snakes were soothing to live near the springs.
Approaching cautious steps, he bent and filled his hand.
He was thirsty when he saw the water flow profusely and flow to the depths.
I take his hand in the room and taste the water and find it a cold.
He spent an hour filming the caves that had ramps and outlets that did not know their range.
He then decided to explore the cave where the water was going to follow its course.
Walked curving and noted that the ceiling was filtered with black material did not know what it is.
Smell the smell of sulfur.
Take a grip from the soil and examine it under the light of the scout and verify its intuition: fine sulfur ash.
He took out a bag from his bag and wanted to pour ash in it.
If he heard that he was echoing clearly, his hands trembled and the box fell from him, and he quickly rolled into the water and drifted with the current.
He drew the house of the searchlight in search of the source of the whining, but he did not see anyone.
He took out another box and his arm was overcome with fear.
He decided to scoop the ashes in the same box, and again he heard the whining louder than the first time.
He searched the place for his discovery, and saw a huge snake blocking his way.
He hit him with a shudder and without thinking he pulled out his pistol and wanted to rebuild it.
He froze in his place of terror and tightened his grip on the pistol, feeling that death was coming from him.
He heard a loud voice saying to him, "Calm down, hmmm.
" Hamoud said, trying to be coherent and not to urinate on himself:
- who are you?"
- I am the guard .. You are allowed to get out safely from here, but do not carry anything with you from our soil ».
- Are you Domma?
- You are wonderful creatures do not fill you but the launch of names!
- You are the king entrusted with the lives of infidels?
- (Short laugh) You idiot is a metaphorical expression .. The intention is to avoid this place.
- how did you know my name?
- By some order of his name .. Since it is not called, you will never reach an understanding.
- Why do not you refuse to take a sample of this dirt?
- There is a substance forbidden to you.
- Ancient Maronites say this is a hole caused by a meteorite from the sky.
- Their memory is good .. This article was sent to the unseen part of the universe.
- means nothingness.
- No .. The universe looks like a tree .. You live on its own, and we live in its roots.
- Have you heard about scientific curiosity?
- Have you heard about human vanity? That vanity that led to your exile to this planet.
"Man, do not be stingy. I'll take a tiny handful of this dirt and go."
He took out a lighter with a small scout from his pocket. He looked for the plastic case and could not find it.
He grabbed a fist from the ash and put it in his pants pocket, then turned back. He heard the sound from behind him: "You think you will become a world famous. And now you selfishly plan to call this article by your name.
" He came out of the cave and stood up. He lifted his bag and carried it on his back, restarting the camera to picture his upward climb.
He tied himself to the rope and gave the agreed signal. It was lifted easily and came out of the well well.
When he put his feet on the ground he knew was a comfortable breath, he felt an unspeakable happiness, and saw in his eyes the great success that would befall him.
Then he found himself suddenly preparing to go down to the Barhut well, but in a reversed way.
He reversed all his movements backwards. The cheese sandwich came out of his nose, and the bite grew up until the whole bite returned.
After the cigarette rose to his mouth, the burned tobacco gathering until the cigarette returned intact to its box. He rode the car, which he had taken back from Figuet to Al-Ghaitha, and from there to the city of Mukalla from which he came.
He found himself returning to his home, and returned what happened with him upside down.
The time went very fast, a young man, then a child, then returned to his mother's womb, then squeezed into a tiny sperm in his father's heart, and then spent millions of years retreating by the long chain of organisms from which he developed.
The Guardian wrote an honest report about the incident, to explain the lack of that precious substance that is not substance, and has no name, but is a remnant of the great explosion that has not been eradicated and has not disappeared, and is the only force that threatens to drag us to the past and fortify us as if we were not.