Computer parts and components
Computer parts and components
The computer consists of a set of pieces and parts that work together the problem of the computer. Each part has a specific function that depends in one way or another on other parts and parts. For example, the keyboard will not work without the hard drive or the CPU.
Keyboard: A tool for entering text data into a computer.
Mother Board: The main part of the computer, an electronic piece on which all computer parts are connected.
Power Supply: This is the part that is responsible for providing the computer with power.
Screen card (VGA).
The mouse.
Disk Drivers.
Screen or monitor.
Speakers: The part responsible for outputing the data in the form of an audible sound.
Central Processing Unit: This unit is the mastermind of the computer.
It is the part responsible for processing all data entered into the computer, showing results in the form of outputs, and storing data in different memory modules.
Cache Memory.
Read Only Memory: This memory contains the initial settings needed to operate the computer, and can not be modified or deleted from the data stored on it.
Random Access Memory: It is a volatile memory, that is, it loses all its contents from the data when the power is cut off from the computer.
This memory is used to store data temporarily while the computer is working.
Hard Disk: The memory on which data is stored permanently, and used to save system files, data and files that the user wants to maintain permanently.

Computer Cons
The computer is mainly present in various fields of life, and it can not be dispensed with in any way in the industrial, medical, health, military and security fields. Despite all these positives and importance, it contains some of the negatives that accompany its use, including:
Damage to the eyes when using the computer for a long time and continuously.
Muscle problems in the neck muscles and headaches when sitting for a long time in front of the computer screen.
In some cases, the computer causes isolation and alienation from social life.
The computer also caused an increase in the unemployment rate in general, because it occupied the place of man in work, especially in factories and manual work, which is done by machines programmed more accurately, in less time, and lower cost compared to human labor.
Wasting time heavily for those who spend a lot of time playing video games or doing other activities that waste time and energy.
The emergence of a new concept of crime: the concept of cybercrime; crimes involving illegal matters caused by misuse of the computer, such as theft of personal information and data of individuals, extortion, defamation and theft of funds.
Lack of concept of personal privacy.