
Neurological treatment

Neurological treatment

A sense of nervousness and anxiety about a particular thing can be reduced by intensifying the exercise. Exercise, whether with a friend or in front of the mirror, increases self-confidence, because it increases the strength of the neural connections within the brain, which contribute to increasing the skill of carrying out the activity of concern. Doing this activity is easier and thus reduces neuron.

Minimize the intake of sugars

Research suggests that eating chocolate or sugars in nerve cases can negatively affect the nervous state and inflame them, despite the desire that a person may feel towards their intake, so it is advisable to resort to drinking a glass of water, or take protein instead of sugars; Provides the body with slow energy, which helps to treat nerve.

Watch funny videos

This is one of the easiest steps to reduce nervousness and tension. All you need to do is watch a funny program or series. Many studies have pointed to the importance of laughter for mental and mental health. Some studies have suggested that humor reduces anxiety and nervousness better than exercise.


Experts recommend a meditation system to get rid of nervousness. Instead of constantly thinking about things and amplifying and judging them, you can review events and feelings in a way that does not enhance the feeling of nervousness, and this can be done by practicing meditation by sitting quietly and imagine being in the preferred location of a person like the edge of the river or In the garden or the beach, or otherwise.

Deep breathing

Deep breathing is one of the most effective and basic steps to reduce nervousness and anxiety, which helps to relieve irritation and irritability.

It also leads to effective relaxation of the nerves.

It is important to note that deep breathing requires no pattern or number of times of breathing and exhale.

They can be used quietly; this will help calm the brain and refocus it.

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