
True horror story

True horror story

Three girls and an old woman

A group of young people decided to spend the night in an area called the Mughsil area. Al-Shabaab had booked a break in the Maghsil area. A few hours later, they saw a Land Cruiser parked in front of them, not far away.

Young people decided to find out why there were 3 girls in that area. When they approached the car, they found that the car was empty and the girls were on the beach.

One of them was eating sand. Suddenly an old woman came from behind. But all the evil, the young men ran and left the place and returned to Salalah.

The Omani magician and the son of the fish vendor

In Bahrain there was a fish vendor in a market, and this man took his son with him to the market, and a man came from Amman to buy fish, and the son of the fish vendor gave some guts to the Omani man, the Omani man was angry, so the Omani man complained to his father about the fish vendor The seller of Omani man I have a small does not hurt anyone.

Despite the testimony of the people that his son did so, the seller insisted that his son could never do so. The Omani man told the salesman to attend the shroud of your son.

After a few hours, the Omani man took the little boy and said that they would eat him tonight and eat him, The boy was very fat, and it is worth mentioning that this happened in the fifties of last century.

The broken body

There was a group of young people who decided to spend the night of Samar and watch in the dam area in Wadi Sahnout, and these young people attended musical instruments from Oud and drum to sing and entertain themselves, and spent the youth a wonderful night and were ringing and laughing and very happy and happy.

Roads on the door of a room

In a second incident, a girl woke up to the sound of roads on the door of her room. When she opened the door, her brother found her knocking on the door, and her brother asked her for something.

 I brought him back and went back to sleep, but she remembered that her brother had not been in the house for two days. In her family room that night.

Believe the one who said "chose the neighbor before the house," really neighbor can make your place a shelter for comfort and housing or turn it into a pit of hell that is tingling your life and makes it full of horror and anxiety.

True chilling story

My story reflects the influence of our neighbor on my life and on the lives of all those who live in our buildings.

 I am the names and I live in an excellent building in a good location. The height of the building is seven stories.

My family and I live on the third floor. My family consists of me, my mother, my father and my sister.

By an elderly woman living on her own as her children left and did not return, and all the population and all the people of the street away from them because of the reputation that spread from being a siphon and related to Jan.

It was an ordinary day until this day when everyone started to smell that rotten smell that fills the first floor of the building, which is an intolerable smell. So the residents decided to go to the apartment to find out.

 People went and knocked the door but no one answered.

They broke the door and saw what they saw as the old woman.

She only had her head hanging in the roof of the place.

A stitch was stitched out of it and a sticky material of green color came out of it. They found her body in the bathroom and the insects ate it.

I was the only one other than the men who broke the door of seeing it and since that day the situation changed, one time I was returning and when I passed the old apartment I began to hear from the call but there is no one but a moment there is a sentence written on the door of the old "No one see me but you help me" And she screamed and told me my neighbor and I told him what was but did not find anything at the door did not believe me, and I went up and entered my room and when I grew up I do not know why I woke up and opened my eyes was in front of me The old she tells me that she was killed by Sharosh one of the elders of the adult elves Must revenge me and kill him or destroy your family .

As the two o'clock in the morning, they heard the voice of a woman screaming at the top of her voice, the young men were terrified by the sound of the woman's voice.

They searched for the source of the sound and found a woman with only her upper half, running very fast with her too long hands.

The woman screamed and said that you tortured me and caused my death. When the young men saw the terrifying women, they ran towards their car and rode in it and drove them very quickly to leave this dreaded place.

The day after the strange incident they came and carried what they left with musical instruments and food leftovers and all that was in them Tonight.

Life-saving session

There are many people among us who are interested in the world of spirits, divisions and metaphors.

 This world is mysterious to us humans and has rules that are contrary to the rules of our world, so everyone who tries to enter this world must know its laws and rules to ensure its safety and no one should enter this world.

Without sufficient experience and expertise, otherwise things would turn upside down.

I am a young man of seventeen years of age who is interested in the world of spirits and mauraities. This is the world that is very attractive and attractive to me.

This world, which caused my life to be destroyed and will cause my death, my love for this world.

 I was always reading about it and searching for everything.

I brought a book about preparation, harnessing and preparation of human lives. What mattered more to me was the preparation of spirits, which I decided to implement.

I began to prepare the requirements of the preparation session and were five organisms, five candles, five apples, along with five people and already equipped the required and assisted five of my friends interested in this world like me and began the preparatory session and the implementation of steps and recitation of the mantra, but the candles remained the same, which means the failure of the process.

 The success of the preparation process followed by extinguished all the candles except for one of my colleagues surprised me lying.

Real scary story

 I asked them to experiment again with the spirit of others and actually returned the process and succeeded when the candles were extinguished except one and appeared this sound, which seems as if coming from the depths of hell " I was saved from the great horror and stayed alone, he said a strange phrase incomprehensible "death water, dagger, air, killer, heart uprooting, fire."

I went to the soul and I was tired.

I grew up and saw that I was sleeping in a corridor with five room.

 Each room had a different picture.

The first room had a sea of ​​blood. When I entered it, my friend Ammar was a body soaked in a sea of ​​blood in the bathtub, bleeding from everywhere.

And I saw this ugly object wearing a black cloak and on his face that terrible smile and surprise was pushed out of the room and closed and headed to the second room has been engraved dagger drenched from the blood and opened the door I saw my friend Joseph and this ugly object wearing black abaya cut it with a dagger until he died and came bats and accused Meat, I pushed back into the third room.

On the door she was stabbed with smoke and water. When he opened the door, my friend Ali was suffocated with lethal gas. The ugly person came out of the smoke with that same disgusting smile and pushed back outside the room to stand in front of the fourth room.

My friend Omar was lying on the bed and this thing comes out of his heart and lamented and here I woke up and rang my phone and the calamity was my friends They died like what I saw in my dream And here I understood what is meant by wholesale and that the fifth room in my dream I am inside and I will die burning tonight.

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