Bermuda Triangle مثلث برمودا

The Bermuda Triangle is the greatest mystery of humanity that has puzzled scientists, researchers and those interested in nature. Hundreds of ships and planes have disappeared between its three sides, calling it the Devil's Triangle.
Over the years, many scenarios have been created by the search for a solution that explains mysterious disappearances in the triangle area.
It is believed that the area, covering the sea area between Florida, Puerto Rico and the Bermuda Islands, has lost dozens of ships and aircraft over the past century, and hundreds of lives have been lost.

In a recent discovery, or as it may be called "scientific explanation," Australian scientist Dr. Karl Kroszlenicki said that human error is a "very simple" explanation for these phenomena occurring in the Bermuda Triangle, the Daily Mail reported.
Kroszlnicki reiterated the assertion of many experts, including the US Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration over the years, ruling out the idea that this area could have supernatural or even extraordinary environmental forces, posing a threat to travelers.
The Bermuda Triangle was not remarkable in the number of disappearances observed, as the number of aircraft lost in the Bermuda Triangle was the same anywhere in the world on the basis of percentage.
He added that the Bermuda Triangle is close to the equator, near the rich part of the world is America, and therefore there is a lot of traffic.
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Has Been Solved
Referring to the disappearance of five US bombers from Flight 19 in 1945, followed by a subsequent disappearance of the watercraft sent to find them, and no evidence of the wreckage or crew was found at the time.
Despite the claims that ambiguous circumstances and causes may have been behind this disappearance, the radio texts that night advised the pilots to fly west, and instead the pilot, Lieutenant Charles Taylor, flew eastward, Kroszlenicki said.
Explaining that among the pilots on board, there was only one experienced, indicating that the pilot was responsible.
The Daily Mail reported that over the years, scientists around the world have presented a similar view to the observed disappearances in the area, also known as the Devil's Triangle, and the US Coast Guard refers to it as a "mythological geographical area" The so-called Bermuda Triangle as a geographical area with specific danger to ships or aircraft.
The British newspaper pointed out that in a review of many losses in aircraft and ships in the region over the years, nothing was found to indicate that the injuries were the result of anything other than physical causes.

Similarly, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says that phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle, like any other parts of the world, are the same degree of air and sea movement, pointing out that the oceans are always a mysterious place for humans and when the weather is bad it can be a very deadly place , And there is no evidence that the mysterious disappearance occurs more in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other large region.
Myths and stories related to the Bermuda Triangle or the "Devil's Triangle" as it is called, located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, are close to the southeast coast of Florida, USA, and scientists have been puzzled for years to try to solve its mysterious mystery.
Bermuda Triangle- what happened to Flight 19- - BBC
However, British scientists at the University of Southampton have concluded that ambiguity about the disappearance of ships and aircraft can be explained by a natural phenomenon known as "rogue waves" (waves that are unnatural and large in size and continue for a few minutes and appear suddenly on the surface of the water and destroy any boat or boat cruising the place until Even if it was an ocean liner at once) and its height is about 30 meters, according to the site "foxnews" quoting "Channel 5".
The Bermuda Triangle stretches over 700,000 square kilometers between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, and includes several shipping lanes, and has claimed more than 1,000 lives over the past 100 years.

Scientists used the internal engines to recreate the huge waves that last for a few minutes and then disappear. These waves first appeared via satellite in 1997 off the coast of South Africa. For further exploration, the research team built a USS Cyclops, , Lost in the Triangle in 1918, killing 300 people.
Dr Simon Pocall, the ocean and land scientist, explained that the infamous region of the Atlantic Ocean is experiencing three huge storms. It approaches different directions at the same time, so it is ideal to create these huge waves that swallow ships and aircraft.
After years of puzzling scientists and trying to solve the mystery of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, British scientists predict that the rogue waves, which are about 30 meters high, may be the reason for the sinking of several boats and even aircraft in this triangle.
According to FoxNews, the ominous triangle in the western part of the North Atlantic extends over 700,000 square kilometers between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. This area is also known as the "diabolical triangle" and includes many shipping lanes, which have claimed more than 1,000 lives over the past 100 years.
But experts at the University of Southampton have concluded that ambiguity about the disappearance of ships can be explained by a natural phenomenon known as "rogue waves".
In the documentary "The Bermuda Triangle Enigma," which was published on Channel 5, scientists used internal engines to recreate massive waves that, according to what was said to last for a few minutes, then disappear. These waves first appeared via satellite in 1997 off the coast of South Africa. For further exploration, the research team built a USS Cyclops, a huge warship, lost in the Triangle in 1918, killing 300 people.
Oceanic and terrestrial oceanographer Simon Pocall said that the infamous region of the Atlantic Ocean is experiencing three huge storms approaching different directions at the same time, so this is the ideal case to create huge waves swallowing ships.