How to protect your pc?

How to protect your pc? The question is all the more important when one realizes that every day there are new malicious programs created and new attacks launched.
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That's not all, the possibilities of infecting users extend to mobile phones and everyday tools that are increasingly connected. The methods of developing malicious programs also become easier, so much so that it becomes easy for anyone to program a daunting tool in minutes, if already there is a need for a tool ...
The Internet is a great technology that can hardly be done without it, but it's also a place that everyone (including hackers) frequent, with its own set of dangers.
That's not all, the possibilities of infecting users extend to mobile phones and everyday tools that are increasingly connected. The methods of developing malicious programs also become easier, so much so that it becomes easy for anyone to program a daunting tool in minutes, if already there is a need for a tool ...
The Internet is a great technology that can hardly be done without it, but it's also a place that everyone (including hackers) frequent, with its own set of dangers.