Malawi, landlocked country in southeastern Africa. A country endowed with spectacular highlands and extensive lakes, it occupies a narrow, curving strip of land along the East African Rift Valley. Lake Nyasa, known in Malawi as Lake Malawi, accounts for more than one-fifth of the country’s total area.
Intensive habitation at the Lake Malawi shore near Monkey Bay, Malawi
Most of Malawi’s population engages in cash-crop and subsistence agriculture. The country’s exports consist of the produce of both small landholdings and large tea and tobaccoestates. Malawi has received a significant amount of foreign capital in the form of development aid, which has contributed greatly toward the exploitation of its natural resources and has allowed Malawi to at times produce a food surplus. Nevertheless, its population has suffered from chronic malnutrition, high rates of infant mortality, and grinding poverty—a paradox often attributed to an agricultural system that has favoured large estate owners.
Malawi limits
Malawi limits
Most Malawians reside in rural locations. The country’s few large urban centres include Lilongwe, the capital, and Blantyre, the seat of the country’s judiciary.
Malawi stretches about 520 miles (840 km) from north to south and varies in width from 5 to 100 miles (10 to 160 km). It is bordered by Tanzania to the north, Lake Malawi to the east, Mozambique to the east and south, and Zambia to the west.
While Malawi’s landscape is highly varied, four basic regions can be identified: the East African (or Great) Rift Valley, the central plateaus, the highlands, and the isolated mountains. The East African Rift Valley—by far the dominant feature of the country—is a massive troughlike depression running through the country from north to south and containing Lake Malawi(north and central) and the Shire River valley (south). The lake’s littoral, situated along the western and southern shores and ranging from 5 to 15 miles (8 to 24 km) in width, covers almost one-tenth of the total land area and is dotted with swamps and lagoons. The Shire valley stretches some 250 miles (400 km) from the southern end of Lake Malawi at Mangochi to Nsanje at the Mozambique border and contains Lake Malombe at its northern end. The plateaus of central Malawi rise to elevations of 2,500 to 4,500 feet (760 to 1,370 metres) and lie just west of the Lake Malawi littoral; the plateaus cover about three-fourths of the total land area. The highland areas are mainly isolated tracts that rise as much as 8,000 feet (2,400 metres) above sea level. They comprise the Nyika, Viphya, and Dowa highlandsand Dedza-Kirk mountain range in the north and west and the Shire Highlands in the south. The isolated massifs of Mulanje(which reach 9,849 feet [3,002 metres], the highest point in the country) and Zomba (which reach 6,846 feet [2,087 metres]) represent the fourth physical region. Surmounting the Shire Highlands, they descend rapidly in the east to the Lake Chilwa–Phalombe plain.
Mulanje Mountains Mulanje Mountains, southeastern Malawi
Mulanje Mountains Mulanje Mountains, southeastern Malawi
Drainage and soils
The major drainage system is that of Lake Malawi, which covers some 11,430 square miles (29,600 square km) and extends beyond the Malawi border. It is fed by the North and South Rukuru, Dwangwa, Lilongwe, and Bua rivers. The Shire River, the lake’s only outlet, flows through adjacent Lake Malombe and receives several tributaries before joining the Zambezi River in Mozambique. A second drainage system is that of Lake Chilwa, the rivers of which flow from the Lake Chilwa–Phalombe plain and the adjacent highlands.
Fishing boat on Lake Malawi
Fishing boat on Lake Malawi
Soils, distributed in a complex pattern, are composed primarily of red earths, with brown soils and yellow gritty clays on the plateaus. Alluvial soils occur on the lakeshores and in the Shire valley, while other soil types include hydromorphic (excessively moist) soils, black clays, and sandy dunes on the lakeshore.
There are two main seasons—the dry season, which lasts from May to October, and the wet season, which lasts from November to April. Temperatures vary seasonally, and they tend to decrease on average with increasing elevation. Nsanje, in the Shire River valley, has a mean July temperature in the high 60s F (low 20s C) and an October mean in the mid-80s F (high 20s C), while Dedza, which lies at an elevation of more than 5,000 feet (1,500 metres), has a July mean in the high 50s F (mid-10s C) and an October mean in the high 60s F (low 20s C). On the Nyika Plateau and on the upper levels of the Mulanje massif, frosts are not uncommon in July. Annual precipitation levels are highest over parts of the northern highlands and on the Sapitwa peak of the Mulanje massif, where they are about 90 inches (2,300 mm); they are lowest in the lower Shire valley, where they range from 25 to 35 inches (650 to 900 mm).
Plant and animal life
The natural vegetation pattern reflects the country’s diversityin relief, soils, and climate. Savanna (grassy parkland) occurs in the dry lowland areas. Miombo woodlands—sparse, open deciduous woodland characteristic of dry parts of eastern Africa—are an important habitat, particularly for the country’s large mammal populations. Woodlands with species of acacia trees cover isolated, more fertile plateau sites and river margins. Grass-covered broad depressions, called madambo(singular: dambo), dot the plateaus. Grasslands and evergreen forests are found in conjunction on the highlands and on the Mulanje and Zomba massifs.
However, Malawi’s natural vegetation has been altered significantly by human activities. Swamp vegetation has given way to agricultural species as swamps have been drained and cultivated. Much of the original woodland has been cleared, and, at the same time, forests of softwoods have been planted in the highland areas. High population density and intensive cultivation of the Shire Highlands have also hindered natural succession there, while wells have been sunk and rivers dammed to irrigate the dry grasslands for agriculture.
Game animals abound only in the game reserves, where antelope, buffalo, elephants, leopards, lions, rhinoceroses, and zebras occur; hippopotamuses live in Lake Malawi. The lakes and rivers of Malawi contain hundreds of species and numerous families of fish. Lake Malawi is particularly renowned for its remarkable biodiversity—an enormous range of fish species inhabit the lake, most of them endemic—and its southern region, as part of Lake Malawi National Park, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1984. The most common and commercially significant fish found in Malawi include the endemic tilapia, or chambo (nest-building freshwater fish); catfish, or mlamba; and minnows, or matemba.
The Ministry of Mines, Natural Resources, and Environmental Affairs is charged with the responsibility of ensuring the protection of Malawi’s environment, mainly through the implementation of the Environmental Management Act of 1996. Among the major concerns are efficient resource utilization, land degradation, deforestation, conservation of marine life, biodiversity, climate change, ozone layer protection, sewage, the pollution of water from agriculture runoff such as fertilizers, endangered species, and industrial pollution. The majority of pollution comes from greenhouse gas emissions, mostly from the usage of coal and charcoal, natural gas, and petroleum.
Ethnic groups and languages
Ten major ethnic groups are historically associated with modern Malawi—the Chewa, Nyanja, Lomwe, Yao, Tumbuka, Sena, Tonga, Ngoni, Ngonde, and the Lambya/Nyiha. All the African languages spoken are Bantu languages. From 1968 to 1994, Chewa was the only national language; it is now one of the numerous languages used in print and broadcast media and is spoken by a majority of the population. In 1996 government policy indicated that education in grades 1–4 would be provided in the students’ mother tongue or vernacular language; from grade 5, the medium of instruction would be English, which, though understood by less than one-fifth of the population at independence in 1964, continues to be used widely in business, administrative and judicial matters, higher education, and elsewhere. Other major languages include Lomwe, Yao, and Tumbuka.
Malawi: Ethnic composition
Malawi: Ethnic composition
Some three-fourths of the population is Christian, of which the majority are members of independent Christian or various Protestant denominations and the remainder are Roman Catholic. Muslims constitute about one-fifth of the population. Traditional beliefs are adhered to by a small proportion of the population.
Malawi: Religious affiliation
Settlement patterns
Although Malawi is one of the most densely populated countries in southern Africa, it is also one of the least urbanized, with more than four-fifths of its people living in rural locations. It is urbanizing at a very rapid rate, however, with movement toward urban areas taking place at a pace far swifter than either the African or global averages.
Malawi: Urban-rural
Malawi: Urban-rural
A rural village—called a mudzi—is usually small. Organized around the extended family, it is limited by the amount of water and arable land available in the vicinity. On the plateaus, which support the bulk of the population, the most common village sites are at the margins of madambo, which are usually contiguous with streams or rivers and are characterized by woodland, grassland, and fertile alluvial soils. In highland areas, scattered villages are located near perennial mountain streams and pockets of arable land. The larger settlements of the Lake Malawi littoral originated in the 19th century as collection points for slaves and later developed as lakeside ports. Improvements in communications and the sinking of wells in semiarid areas permitted the establishment of new settlements in previously uninhabited areas. Architecture is changing: the traditional round, mud-walled, grass-roofed hut is giving way to rectangular brick buildings with corrugated iron roofs.
Urban development began in the colonial era with the arrival of missionaries, traders, and administrators and was further stimulated by the construction of the railway. Important urban centres include Blantyre, Zomba, Mzuzu, and Lilongwe. Although some district centres and missionary stations have an urban appearance, they are closely associated with the rural settlements surrounding them. Blantyre, Malawi’s industrial and commercial centre, is situated in a depression on the Shire Highlands at an elevation of about 3,400 feet (1,040 metres). Zomba, the capital of Malawi until 1975 and now the seat of the University of Malawi, lies at the foot of Zomba Mountain. Lilongwe, Malawi’s capital since 1975 and a centre of agricultural industry, is located in the central region. Mzuzu, long associated with the wood industry, is situated farther north on the Viphya highlands.
Lilongwe Goods for sale at a crafts market in Lilongwe, Malawi
Lilongwe Goods for sale at a crafts market in Lilongwe, Malawi
Demographic trends
The population is growing at a rate above average for sub-Saharan Africa. The birth rate is among the highest on the continent, but the death rate is also high, and life expectancyfor both genders is significantly lower than the average for sub-Saharan Africa, primarily because of the incidence of HIV/AIDS. Nearly half the population is younger than age 15, and about three-fourths of the population is 29 or younger. A modest reduction in the country’s high fertility rates in the late 20th and early 21st centuries may be attributed in part to government policy aimed at improving female literacy and promoting more-effective contraceptive methods. The Ministry of Gender, Child Welfare, and Community Services, guided by the National Gender Policy, has played a major role in this effort. (For background on the status of women in Malawian society, see Sidebar: Gender Issues in Malawi.).
The backbone of the Malawi economy is agriculture, which in the 2000s employed more than four-fifths of the working population and accounted for about one-third of the gross domestic product (GDP) and the vast majority of export earnings. Tobacco, the most important export crop, accounts for a major portion of the country’s trade income; tea, sugar, and cotton—all mostly grown in the estate sector—are also important.
Since the mid-1960s the government has sought to strengthen the agricultural sector by encouraging integrated land use, higher crop yields, and irrigation schemes. In pursuit of these goals, several large-scale integrated rural-development programs, covering one-fifth of the country’s land area, have been put into operation. These projects include extension services; credit and marketing facilities; physical infrastructuresuch as roads, buildings, and water supplies; health centres; afforestation units; and crop storage and protection facilities. Outside the main program areas, advisory services and educational programs are available. However, these schemes have brought little benefit to the smallholders, real growth instead being largely concentrated within the estate sector, which has been favoured by the government. Many smallholders have remained poor and indebted, and smallholder production has generally not increased enough to meet the demands of the rapidly growing population.
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
Agricultural products constitute a large proportion of Malawian export revenue; the most important of these are tobacco, sugar, tea, and cotton. Tea is grown on plantations on the Shire Highlands; coffee is produced mostly in the Shire Highlands and in northern Malawi, especially in the northeastern Viphya Mountains, and near Rumphi and Misuku. Tobacco, by far the most important export, is raised largely on the central plateau on large estates and by smallholders in various parts of the country. With the rise of worldwide campaigns against smoking, however, farmers have been increasingly encouraged to diversify so as not to be wholly dependent on tobacco.
Corn (maize) is the principal food crop and is typically grown with beans, peas, and peanuts (groundnuts) throughout the country by virtually all smallholders. Other important food crops include cassava (manioc), bananas, pulses, sweet potatoes, and rice; chickens, cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats are raised.
Although the major share of commercial crop production is on large estates, most farms are small, with the majority less than 2.5 acres (1 hectare) in size. Until the early 1990s, smallholder cash crops were purchased and marketed solely by the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC), which also dominated the fertilizer business. Because ADMARC kept a high proportion of the profits, this arrangement was to the disadvantage of smallholders, whose conditions improved little. In 1987 the ADMARC monopoly over smallholder produce was ended. Through schemes such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Agricultural Sector Assistance Program, the government liberalized the production and marketing of smallholder tobacco. With greater control of their crop, growers’ income from tobacco sales was significantly increased.
Beginning in the early 1970s, the government sponsored the development of several large timber and pulpwood plantations aimed at making the country self-sufficient in construction grades of timber; pine and eucalyptus have also been planted extensively in the northern Viphya Mountains to supply a large pulp and paper project in the region. In spite of this, forest plantations account for only a fraction of the total Malawian forest cover.
The rapid rate at which wooded areas have been disappearing in Malawi is a source of grave concern. Between the early 1970s and the early ’90s, more than half of Malawi’s forested area was depleted, and, although the deforestation rate modestly decreased in the following decade, it nevertheless remained extremely high by relative standards. The use of wood as fuel is one major factor in the depletion of the country’s woodlands. In rural areas, wood has always been used to provide fuel for cooking, and, as the population grows, more of it is used; in the urban areas, charcoal is the main source of energy, adding more pressure on woodlands. The heavily dominant tobacco industry has resulted in further denudation of forests, as trees have been regularly felled both as timber for the construction of sheds to dry or cure the crop and to fuel the curing process itself. Another source of the problem is brick making, which relies heavily on firewood to fire the kilns. The reduction of casual labour and the number of civil service positions at the behest of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank has meant forest reserves no longer have personnel to guard them from abuse.
Fishing is practiced for subsistence as well as by artisanal and commercial fisheries. The lakes and rivers of Malawi provide a diverse catch. Lake Malawi in particular is a rich source of fish within easy access for most of the country’s population and accounts for some three-fourths of the country’s catch. Other important sources include Lakes Chilwa, Malombe, and Chiutaand the Shire River. Although aquaculture is practiced, much of the country’s total catch is obtained by capture, with artisanal fisheries accounting for the greatest proportion of that take. Some fish are exported to neighbouring countries. Since the late 20th century the fish population has dwindled because of overfishing, the use of nets with a mesh size smaller than those recommended by fisheries experts, and the disregard of the ban on fishing in the breeding season. In response, natural resources committees have been formed in lakeshore communities to participate in the management of fisheries and the enforcement of fishing regulations.
Fish from the Shire River drying on platforms in southern Malawi
Fish from the Shire River drying on platforms in southern Malawi
Resources and power
Most of Malawi’s mineral deposits are neither extensive enough for commercial exploitation nor easily accessible. Some small-scale mining of coal takes place at Livingstonia and Rumphi in the north, and quarrying of limestone for cement production is also an important activity. Precious and semiprecious stones are mined on a small scale; these include agate, aquamarine, amethyst, garnet, corundum, rubies, and sapphires. Exploration and assessment studies continue on other minerals such as apatite, located south of Lake Chilwa; bauxite, on the Mulanje massif; kyanite, on the Dedza-Kirk range; vermiculite, south of Lake Malawi near Ntcheu; and rare-earth minerals, at Mount Kangankunde northwest of Zomba. Deposits of asbestos, uranium, and graphite are known to exist as well. Also under investigation are base metals, gold rutile, and ilmenite sands.
Arable land is considered one of Malawi’s most significant natural resources, although it is strained by both the country’s high population density and its agriculture-based economy. Forests and woodlands cover about one-third of the country, and almost 4,000 square miles (10,300 square km) are in state-controlled forest reserves.
Malawi’s water resources are plentiful, although some rural areas are inadequately supplied. Treated water for the major cities of Blantyre and Lilongwe is supplied by the Walker’s Ferry Scheme and the Kamuzu Dam, respectively. Most of the rivers are seasonal, but a few large ones, particularly the Shire River along its middle course, have considerable potential for irrigation and electricity generation. Power demands are met by hydroelectric schemes, including those at Nkula Falls, Kapichira, and Tedzani Falls, and by diesel plants. Major consumers of electric power include the industrial areas of the south near Blantyre, where electricity consumption has steadily multiplied, and the industrial area of Lilongwe; the vast sugar estates at Nchalo and Dwangwa also consume much electricity. By contrast, only a fraction of Malawians themselves have electrical access, and almost all domestic energy needs are met by firewood.
Power availability has been hindered by different factors. The drying of rivers due to deforestation near their sources and along their courses has resulted in a reduction of water flow into Lake Malawi, which in turn has adversely affected the currents of the Shire, on which the Nkula and Tedzani hydroelectric plants are located. The devaluation of the Malawi kwacha has also had some effect on electricity supply in the country, as spare parts can be expensive and difficult to obtain. These factors have at times led to load shedding of electricity and therefore an irregular availability of power.
Malawi’s small industrial sector is geared largely to processing agricultural products and to the manufacture of import substitutes (goods produced locally, often from imported materials, meant to replace products that were once purchased from abroad); construction and mining (mainly lime for cement and some coal) are also pursued. Although only a fraction of the workforce is employed in the sector, it accounts for some one-fifth of the Malawian GDP.
Development of the country’s industrial base was accorded high priority at independence, and Malawi now satisfies much of its own domestic need for products such as cotton textiles, canned foodstuffs, beer, edible oils, soaps, sugar, radios, hoes, and shoes. However, the cost of machinery parts, equipment, and other imports needed for use in industry has made some of the locally manufactured items particularly expensive. Furthermore, an easing of import restrictions has led to an influx of cheaper goods, which have effectively competed against local products. The textile industry has particularly suffered from imported secondhand clothes, which many Malawians find more affordable than those produced domestically.
The Reserve Bank of Malawi is the central bank of the country; it issues the national currency, the Malawian kwacha, and advises the government on monetary policy. In addition, there are a number of commercial banks, the majority of which are centred in Blantyre. There are several insurance companies operating in the country, the largest of which, NICO Holdings Limited (formerly the National Insurance Company), was privatized in 1996.
The Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE), established in 1994 with aid from the IMF, the World Bank, and a development bank with links to the Dutch government, opened its doors to traders in 1996. A member of the African Securities Exchange Association, the MSE has a diverse supervising committee, including government and central bank representatives.
More than two-fifths of Malawi’s foreign-exchange earnings are derived from exports of tobacco, of which Malawi is a leading producer. Sugar, tea, and cotton are also major exports. Principal imports include chemicals and chemical products, petroleum products, consumer goods, machinery and transport equipment, and food. South Africa is Malawi’s most significant trading partner. Other trading partners include China, the United States, India, and neighbouring African countries.