Mauritius, island country in the Indian Ocean, located off the eastern coast of Africa. Physiographically, it is part of the Mascarene Islands. The capital is Port Louis.
Mauritius Pieter Both, the second highest mountain in Mauritius. AdstockRF
Mauritius Overview of Mauritius, including a discussion of Port Louis
Mauritius lies about 500 miles (800 km) east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. Its outlying territories are Rodrigues Island, situated about 340 miles (550 km) eastward, the Cargados Carajos Shoals, 250 miles (400 km) northeastward, and the Agalega Islands, 580 miles (930 km) northward from the main island. Mauritius also claims sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago (including Diego Garcia), some 1,250 miles (2,000 km) to the northeast, although this claim is disputed by Britain.
Mauritius limits
Relief and drainage
The island of Mauritius is volcanic in origin and is almost entirely surrounded by coral reefs. The northern part is a plain that rises to a central plateau, varying in elevation from about 900 to 2,400 feet (270 to 730 metres) above sea level. The plateau is bordered by small mountains that may have formed the rim of an ancient volcano; the highest point (2,717 feet [828 metres]) is Piton de la Petite Rivière Noire in the southwest. The two major rivers, the Grand River South East and the Black River, are the primary sources of hydroelectric power. Lake Vacoas, one of the main reservoirs, is the chief source of water.
Mauritius Countryside of Mauritius
Mauritius Countryside of Mauritius
Soils and climate
More than half of the country’s area is arable, and it is almost entirely planted in sugarcane, the major export crop. Vegetables and tea for local consumption are also grown.
The climate is maritime subtropical, with fairly uniform temperature throughout the year. Mean temperatures vary from the mid-70s F (low to mid-20s C) at sea level to the upper 60s F (upper 10s C) on the high plateau. Two seasons are recognized: hot (December to April) and cool (June to September). Annual rainfall varies from around 35 inches (900 mm) on the west coast to 60 inches (1,525 mm) on the southeast coast and about 200 inches (5,080 mm) on the central plateau.
Plant and animal life
The vegetation includes some 600 indigenous species, even though little original forest is left. The fauna includes the samber (a long-tailed, dark brown deer), tenrec (a spiny insectivore), and mongoose, as well as a variety of birds and insects. The island was once home to the dodo, a flightless birdthat was extinct by 1681. Efforts began in the late 20th century to save several other species of endemic birds that were close to extinction.
Mauritius hemp Mauritius hemp (Furcraea gigantea)
Geological Survey
Dodo (Raphus cucullatus)
Ethnic groups, languages, and religion
Approximately two-thirds of the population is of Indo-Pakistani origin, most of whom are descendants of indentured labourers brought to work in the sugar industry during the 19th and early 20th centuries. About one-fourth of the population is Creole (of mixed French and African descent), and there are small numbers of people of Chinese and Franco-Mauritian descent.
Mauritius: Ethnic composition
Mauritius: Ethnic composition
Although English is the official language, it is spoken by a very small percentage of the population. Creole, a French-based patois, is spoken by about four-fifths of the population and is the lingua franca of the country. Bhojpuri, an Indo-Aryanlanguage, is spoken by one-tenth of the population, and Frenchis spoken by a small percentage. Other languages spoken on the island include Hindi, Chinese, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu. Mauritians commonly speak two, three, or even more languages, and the educational system supports a wide range of language instruction.
Religious affiliation varies: about half of the population is Hindu, about one-third is Christian (the majority of whom are Roman Catholic), and—with the exception of a small group of Buddhists—the majority of the remainder are Muslims.
Mauritius: Religious affiliation
Mauritius: Religious affiliation
Settlement patterns
The population density in Mauritius is the highest of African countries and is among the highest in the world. Overpopulation became a serious problem after the eradication of falciparum malaria by the early 1950s led to a sharp increase in population. Driven by government policy, supported by all the Mauritian religious communities, and assisted by the rapid pace of economic growth, the rate of natural increase dropped rapidly in the last decades of the 20th century, and it is now below the world average. Emigration, primarily to Britain and France, also helped slow the annual growth rate.
Mauritius: Urban-rural
Port Louis, Mauritius Port Louis, Mauritius
The birth rate remains well below the world average, while the death rate is similar to the world average. Life expectancy—about 70 years for men and more than 75 years for women—is higher than the world average and is well above the average for African countries. About two-fifths of the country’s population is younger than age 30.
Mauritius: Age breakdown
Mauritius: Age breakdown
Mauritius has a mixed developing economy based on manufactured exports, agriculture, tourism, and financial services. Government efforts to diversify the economy after 1980 have been successful, and the island is no longer as completely dependent on sugar production as it was throughout most of its history. The gross domestic product, among the highest of African countries, grew more rapidly than the population in the 1990s and 2000s.
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
Although the significance of the agricultural sector has diminished with efforts to diversify the economy, it is still important. Sugar production, generating about one-sixth of export earnings, occupies about four-fifths of the total arable land. Tea and tobacco are also cash crops. Subsistence crops include potatoes, tomatoes, and bananas. The livestock population primarily consists of poultry, sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle.
Forests make up about one-fifth of the total land area of Mauritius. Rapid deforestation occurred during the colonial era, and non-native species were introduced to repopulate the forestland, including the slash pine (Pinus elliottii), which is predominant, Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica), and Moreton Bay pine (Araucaria cunninghamii). Eucalyptus trees and trees that belong to the beefwood (Casuarina) family are also present. Roundwood is the primary forest product, of which some two-fifths is used for fuel; sawn wood is also produced. Mauritius is unique among countries in the region in that it consumes more wood products than it produces and must import the difference.
Technical assistance from Japan and India is regenerating the fishing industry, which has grown in importance. Mauritius’s waters contain many species of fish with commercial value, including tuna, snapper, and grouper. Aquaculture is practiced with such species as channel bass and sea bream.
Resources, power, and manufacturing
Mauritius has few viable mineral resources. Basalt and lime are mined. Electricity is largely generated from imported petroleum, with a small percentage derived from hydropower. Sugar plantations often use bagasse—the fibre that remains from sugarcane after sugar-bearing juice is extracted—as fuel to produce electricity.
bagasse Bagasse. David Monniaux
bagasse Bagasse. David Monniaux
There has been a steady increase in manufacturing since the 1970s. The Mauritius Export Processing Zone, which concentrates on labour-intensive processing of imported raw materials or semifinished goods for the export market, has successfully attracted foreign investment. Economically important manufactures include textiles, food processing, metal and metal products, and chemical products.
Finance and trade
Mauritius is home to many financial institutions, including a development bank, offshore banking facilities, and several commercial banks. The Bank of Mauritius is the central bankand issues the country’s currency, the Mauritian rupee. The country’s stock exchange is located in Port Louis.
Mauritius: Major import sources
Mauritius: Major import sources
Imports, largely of machinery and transport equipment, petroleum, and foodstuffs, outweigh exports of clothing and textiles, sugar, and fish and fish products. Important trading partners include the United Kingdom, France, the United States, South Africa, and China.
Mauritius: Major export destinations
Mauritius: Major export destinations
Services, labour, and taxation
Significant growth in tourism since the 1970s has made it a major earner of foreign exchange. Information and communication technology is becoming increasing important. In 2001 the government created the Information and Communication Technologies Authority to promote and oversee the burgeoning sector.
More than two-fifths of the labour force is employed in the areas of finance and services. Construction and manufacturing employ about one-third of the labour force, and about one-tenth is employed in the agricultural sector.
Taxation is an important source of funding in Mauritius, accounting for about nine-tenths of the government’s revenue. About half of the total tax revenue is derived from taxes on goods and services. Trade taxes account for about one-fifth; corporate income tax, about one-eighth.
Transportation and telecommunications
Mauritius has a strong transportation infrastructure. The road system is well developed and in good repair, and almost all roadways are paved. Most of the country’s shipping activity is conducted through port facilities at Port Louis, which has been cultivated as a free port to encourage its development as an international shipping hub. An international airport is located at Plaisance, and there are other airports located throughout the country. Air Mauritius, the national carrier, flies many international routes. The island does not have any rail service.
The country’s telecommunications sector is well developed and among the best in the region. There has been rapid progress in this area owing to the country’s growing information and communication technology industry. About three-fourths of the population has mobile phone service, and one-fourth has internet service.
Government and society
Constitutional framework
Mauritius became independent on March 12, 1968. Under the constitution adopted that year, the country was a constitutional monarchy with the British monarch as head of state. In 1991 a constitutional amendment was passed providing for a republican form of government, with a president as head of state; the amendment went into effect in 1992. Legislative power is vested in a National Assembly, elected every five years and consisting of 62 elected members and up to an additional 8 members drawn from the pool of candidates who were not elected but who may be appointed to broaden representation among minorities or underrepresented parties. Executive power is exercised by a Council of Ministers headed by a prime minister (appointed by the president), who assembles a government from members of the National Assembly. The president and vice president are elected by the National Assembly for a term of five years.
Local government and justice
For administrative purposes, the island of Mauritius is divided into districts. The outlying territories of Agalega, Cargados Carajos Shoals, and Rodrigues Island each have dependencystatus.
Port Mathurin Harbour at Port Mathurin, Rodrigues Island, Mauritius
Port Mathurin Harbour at Port Mathurin, Rodrigues Island, Mauritius
The Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority and includes courts of civil appeal and criminal appeal. There are also district courts.
Political process and security
The constitution provides for universal suffrage for citizens 18 years and older. The political process in Mauritius is open to participation by minorities and women. Minority representation is enhanced by the policy of appointing additional members to the National Assembly to achieve ethnic balance. Although women have held legislative seats and cabinet positions, their numbers have been few.
There are many political parties, but three large parties dominate Mauritian politics: the Mauritius Labour Party (MLP; Parti Travailliste [PTr]), the Mauritian Militant Movement (Mouvement Militant Mauricien; MMM), and the Militant Socialist Movement (Mouvement Socialiste Militant; MSM). The MLP and the MSM generally compete for the dominant Hindu vote, although they both have supporters in all communities. The MMM has its base in the minorities—the Creoles, Muslims, and non-Hindi-speaking Indian communities (especially the Tamils and Telugus)—although it too has prominent Hindu supporters. Coalitions among parties are frequent.
Mauritius does not maintain an active military force, although it does have a small paramilitary force that includes a coast guard unit. Despite some unrest, the country has, on the whole, seen political success: Since independence, Mauritius, unlike most African former colonies, has sustained an open, free, democratic, and highly competitive political system. Elections have been held on a regular basis with the losing parties giving way to the winners. Its limited military structure has meant that it has been spared the difficulty of military coups.
Health, welfare, and housing
Since independence Mauritius has developed a substantial social welfare system that provides free basic health services to the entire population. Care is provided through a network of hospitals, dispensaries, family-planning facilities, and social welfare centres. Old age pensions, family allowances, and other measures for social protection are also provided. Overcrowding is prevalent in urban areas, and the government provides loans to local authorities for urban housing schemes.
Education is compulsory between ages 5 and 16. Six years of primary education begins at age 5, which is followed by up to seven years of secondary education. Primary and secondary education are free. The University of Mauritius (1965) has faculties of agriculture, engineering, law and management, science, and social studies and humanities. Other institutions of higher education include the University of Technology, Mauritius (2000). Some students attend universities in India, France, and the United Kingdom. More than four-fifths of the population is literate.
Cultural life
Mauritius offers a rich mixture of the many cultures and traditions of its different peoples. The ethnic and religious diversity of Mauritius also means that there are many holidays and festivals scheduled throughout the year, including the Hindu festivals of Maha Shivaratree (see Mahā-śivarātrī) in February and March and Divali in late October and November; the Muslim festival of ʿĪd al-Fiṭr, marking the end of Ramadan; the Catholic observances in honour of Père Laval in September, All Saints’ Day in November, and Christmas in December; the lively Chinese Spring Festival celebration; and the Tamil holiday of Thaipoosam Cavadee, usually held in January or February, which includes fire-walking ceremonies. The entire country observes Abolition of Slavery Day on February 1, Republic Day on March 12, Labour Day on May 1, and Arrival of Indentured Laborers Day on November 2.
The arts and cultural institutions
Interest in arts and letters and the sciences is promoted by voluntary associations, and the island has produced talented poets and novelists. Perhaps the best-known local writer is Dev Virahsawmy, a poet and playwright. Though he writes easily in both French and English, Virahsawmy is most renowned for his efforts to popularize the use of Creole. In addition to his own plays and poetry, he has also translated several of Shakespeare’s plays into Creole, which have been performed in Mauritius.
Mauritius is known for the séga, a popular folk danceconsisting of suggestive movements of the hips and arms to a rhythmic beat. The dance can be traced back to the 18th century, when it was performed by slaves.
Mauritius Women performing the traditional séga dance in Mauritius
Mauritius Women performing the traditional séga dance in Mauritius
Representational and abstract painting flourish, and there are art galleries in the major towns. The major national cultural institutions are the Palace Theatre in Rose Hill, the Port Louis Theatre, the Mauritius Institute, which includes a natural history museum and a historical museum, and the Mauritius Archives. There are both public and institutional libraries.
Also of cultural interest is Aapravasi Ghat, in Port Louis, and Le Morne Cultural Landscape, located on a peninsula on the southwest side of the island; both have been designated UNESCO World Heritage sites. Aapravasi Ghat was used as an immigration depot from 1849–1923 for indentured labourers arriving from India. Le Morne Cultural Landscape, comprisingLe Morne Mountain and most of its foothills, was a place of refuge during the 18th and early 19th centuries for many escaped slaves, known as maroons. Another area of cultural significance is Grand Bassin Lake, where Hindus bring offerings during the Maha Shivaratree festival.
Sports and recreation
There is a very active sporting culture in Mauritius. Football(soccer), introduced by the British, claims the greatest number of participants and fans. At the highest level there is a national team that competes in the African Cup of Nations tournament. Locally, fans follow the teams in a football league that has been around for decades. The small Franco-Mauritian communityavidly supports a highly organized and rather ritualized season of deer hunting. Mauritians from all communities make winter horse racing one of the most popular and highly attended sporting activities of the year. Individual Mauritians have competed at the highest international levels in both bridge and backgammon.
Since its independence, Mauritius has actively participated in both regional and international sporting events. The Indian Ocean Island Games have been hosted in Mauritius, as have international tournaments for boxing, judo, and women’s volleyball. Mauritius made its Olympic debut at the 1984 Los Angeles Games.
Areas of recreational interest include Black River Gorges National Park, Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Gardens, Trou aux Cerfs (an extinct volcano that is now heavily forested), and the island’s numerous beaches and casinos.
Media and publishing
The Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation transmits foreign radio and television broadcasts and also locally produced radio and television programs. Daily news service is provided in French, English, and Creole; additional programming takes place in a variety of other languages. School broadcasting constitutes an important part of the service. Most Mauritian households also receive French television programs from the French-governed island of Réunion. The press operates freely, and there are numerous daily and weekly publications in English, French, Chinese, and other languages.
Early history and colonial administration
Mauritius was long uninhabited, though it was probably known to Arab seafarers from the 10th century or earlier. It was visited by the Portuguese in the early 16th century, but they did not settle the island. The Dutch took possession of it from 1598 to 1710, called it Mauritius for the stadhouder (governor) Maurice of Nassau, and attempted to settle the island in 1638–58 and again in 1664–1710; abandoning their attempts, they left it to pirates. In 1721 the French East India Company occupied Mauritius, which was renamed Île de France. Settlement proceeded slowly over the next 40 years. In 1767 the Frenchcrown took over the island’s administration from the French East India Company. The French authorities brought African slaves to the island and established sugar planting as the main industry, and the colony prospered.
At the beginning of the 19th century, when England and France were at war, privateers based on Île de France were a continual threat to British and Indian merchant vessels. In 1810 the British captured the island, and, upon restoration of peace in 1814, British sovereignty was confirmed by the Treaty of Paris. The name Mauritius was reinstated, but, in circumstances quite unique for a British colony, the customs, laws, and language remained French.
Pressure generated by the British abolitionist movement ended slavery there in 1835, and slaves were replaced by indenturedlabourers from India. The country’s modern-day Indo-Pakistani population stems from this program of replacing slavery with indentured servitude (deemed Britain’s “Great Experiment”); by the time it ended in the 1920s, almost a half million indentured labourers had come from India to work on the sugar plantations.
Mauritius prospered in the 1850s, but competition from beet sugar caused a decline. The malaria epidemic of 1866–68 drove shipping away from Port Louis, which further declined after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. During World War I, when sugar prices rose, the economy prospered, but the Great Depression of the 1930s changed the situation drastically, culminating in labour unrest in 1937. World War II did not improve the Mauritian economy, and after 1945 economic reforms were introduced. Political and administrative reforms were also initiated, which led to independence.
In 1965 Britain transferred one of Mauritius’s outlying territories, the Chagos Archipelago (including the Diego Garciaatoll), to a newly created administrative unit, the British Indian Ocean Territory. In the following years the inhabitants of Chagos were resettled, most of them moving to Mauritius, and a joint British-U.S. military facility was constructed on Diego Garcia.
Mauritius became an independent state within the Commonwealth on March 12, 1968, with a governor-general on the island representing the British monarch as the head of state. In the first years of independence, Mauritius attempted to diversify its economy beyond the production of sugar but made limited progress. The combined effects, however, of Cyclone Claudette in late 1979, falling world sugar prices in the early 1980s, and political protest and social unrest generated by those who saw no economic future on the island led the government to initiate a vigorous and highly successful program of economic diversification. In 1991 the legislature voted to transition to a republican form of government, and on March 12, 1992, Mauritius became a republic, with a president as head of state.
As Mauritius approached the new millennium, the problems facing the country remained, for the most part, economic in nature. The poorer people in Mauritius—largely Creoles—did not share in the fruits of economic development in the late 20th century. This led to two large and unexpected outbursts of rioting and social unrest in 1999, the first real domestic disturbances since independence. Unemployment rose at the beginning of the 21st century, in part because of the detrimental effects of international trade on textile and sugar manufacturing. The government responded by focusing the country’s economic strategies on the development of more lucrative sectors—information technology and business and financial services.
The sovereignty of the Chagos Archipelago had long been a point of disagreement between Britain, which administered the territory, and Mauritius, which maintained a claim to it. The archipelago was the subject of several court cases in the 21st century regarding the former inhabitants’ right to return and a proposal for the creation of a protected marine reserve around it. (See also Diego Garcia; British Indian Ocean Territory.)
An uptick in piracy in the Indian Ocean in the early 21st century was a threat to the island’s economy as well as international commerce. In 2010 the country deployed specially trained National Coast Guard commandos to help combat the threat of piracy. Mauritius also signed agreements with the European Union in 2011 and the United Kingdom in 2012 for the use of Mauritian courts to prosecute alleged pirates caught in the region by European military patrols. The first group of suspected pirates to be tried arrived in early 2013.
Meanwhile, National Assembly elections were held on May 5, 2010. The alliance led by incumbent Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam of the Mauritius Labour Party (MLP) was victorious, in part because of Ramgoolam’s success in promoting stable economic development.
Ideological clashes between Ramgoolam and the country’s president, Sir Anerood Jugnauth—a long-serving politician in the Militant Socialist Movement (MSM) who became president in 2003 and had also previously served as prime minister (1982–95; 2000–03)—surfaced in early 2012, and Jugnauth resigned from the presidency in March. He then led a coalition in opposition of the MLP, formed by the MSM and the main opposition party, the Mauritian Militant Movement (MMM).
Political partnerships were rearranged in 2014, with the alliance between the ruling MLP and the Mauritian Social Democratic Party (Parti Mauricien Social Démocrate; PMSD) breaking up and the MLP pursuing a new alliance with the MMM. The MLP-MMM alliance intended to pass constitutional reforms, which included provisions to increase the role of president and make that position directly elected, rather than one that was elected by the National Assembly. A new coalition, which included the PMSD and the MSM and was known as Lepep, was against such changes. The National Assembly was dissolved in October, and new elections were planned. When the polls were held on December 10, 2014, Lepep soundly defeated the MLP-MMM alliance, the former taking 47 of the 62 elected seats and the latter winning only 13. Ramgoolam lost his legislative seat and was succeeded by Jugnauth as prime minister later in December.