Michael Jordan

The champions of sport are one of the most important examples of success that can serve as a role model, especially those who are known for their good character.
The sports tournament is not enough to create a successful personality. Who is our hero?
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan completed his studies until he reached high school and was a fan of sports. He was even good at three sports - American football, baseball and basketball - but he paid more to basketball and began to focus more on it. For everyone who knew Jordan, This period is considered to be the shortest in the game.
It was 175 cm long but after the end of the summer and the return of Gordon it was noted that the length of the height increased to 185 cm and increased his focus on the exercises and intensification of large, which made him achieve high registration rates which helped him to get a scholarship at the University North Carolina.
But his length increased to 193 cm to become one of the longest basketball players, and at the University Gordon studied geography and joined the team of the University Basketball Association was joined the team had a significant impact, led the team to win in 1982, and in the season 84 was named the best player and then in The same year he joined the NBA and was playing for the Chicago Bulls. In 1986, he returned to Carolina to finish his studies, which was interrupted by moving to the American league.
Michael Jordan has been in the Chicago Bulls for 13 seasons and has won six championships. He has been named the best player of five years. The remaining two seasons have been played by the Washington Wizards, while Ford has played 15 seasons throughout his career.
Michael Jordan went through a difficult period in his life when his father was killed in 1993 and retired. He returned to play again in 1995 and Jordan recovered the following season and led his team to the championship. The final decision came in 1999.
Michael Jordan participated in two technical works, the first was in 1991 where he participated in his character in the professional cartoon series, and in 1996 he participated in the film Space Jam.
After retirement, Jordan went to the field of business and investment and achieved a good success, especially as he raised a large sum of money in his game As well as his work ads, which is still going on so far, which made him achieve a great wealth and fame is still widespread so far.
Michael Jordan played for the Chicago White Sox for a short while during the time he retired from playing basketball for the first time. He played well in the game, as Ford knew, he was distinguished in three sports, including baseball.