The ghost of the appalling little child

My name is Raqaya.
I have 34 years old.
We bought a new apartment.
The price was very cheap, despite the size of it, but the only drawback was that it was a popular area in one of Cairo's neighborhoods.
We moved to the new spacious house. My family and I were happy.
On our first day at home we slept.
Our heads, woke up terrified and looked around us with fear and tension.
There was nothing strange about everything normal.
We asked the neighbors around us about the reason for that mischief, but the neighbors were amazed and never heard anything.
The next day we heard the sound of legs walking speeding and take place from the apartment above us and a severe confusion continued to knock on our heads a lot then my mother came to tell the owners of the apartment because on that day my father was very sick and wanted to sleep but the sounds of cracking did not stop from that apartment, The apartment was completely empty and closed with a lock from the outside.
My mother came down the stairs and was surprised. Did the residents leave, but what did those voices from the apartment meet with our neighbor in the apartment in front of us in the same role and my mother asked about that apartment?
The surprise was horrifying. My mother knew from the neighbor that the residents of the apartment had left and closed it more than five years ago.
And fell into the lamp of architecture from the window and died immediately and they put the yellow lentils boiled and kneaded the nails to the ground so as not to come out the ghost of the boy architecture and torturing neighbors, especially a child hated by everyone and wish his death for his bad behavior and sharpness, and his love for the injury of others strongly.

My mother returned, feeling tense and told us the story and warned us of the cat's injury if we saw him accidentally by the door of the apartment or on the stairs.
As if he was waiting to know his story, I do not know what happened.
I have always seen the cat on the stairs and I am going to work in a pharmacy.
He always looked at me with irritation and anger, even though I did not do anything to him.
I did not deny my mother's words.
I was really afraid of that cat and I felt that it was not normal. His eyes were a bright blue and a black color like a night.
He had scary sharp teeth that were really terrifying and terrifying.
very morning I find him looking at me in anger, is it because I refused to give him milk and bread, as my mother and brothers do, but I do not believe in those dowries, even if he is a ghost?
Will he eat bread and drink milk? I do not know why ignorance is so widespread.
I did not know how I did it. I hit him with all my strength with the bag in my hand.
Here he took a loud, loud and very ugly source of voice.
My mother and brothers came out of the apartment.
The old neighbor opened the door of her apartment angrily as she looked with horror, I do not know what But I felt dizzy, as if someone pushed me up the stairs and fell to my feet and took a full turn for three full roles.
I do not remember anything except in the hospital and my whole body in plaster.
I broke my spine and I was paralyzed.
I can barely move my right hand now after a long treatment for physiotherapy.
I finally knew what happened to our neighbor in the fifth floor.
He fell off the stairs after beating the cat and was paralyzed like me.
For years, the difference between us was that he had been gone for years and I am still alive.
I do not know when I will die.
Strangely, the black cat still appears from time to time.
They visit me in my dreams until b After we moved to another apartment and passed all those years and I do not know what he wants, is not enough revenge and what he did to me.