Tonga, officially Kingdom of Tonga, Tongan Fakatuʿi ʿo Tonga, also called Friendly Islands, country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It consists of some 170 islands divided into three main island groups: Tongatapu in the south, Haʿapai in the centre, and Vavaʿu in the north. Isolated islands include Niuafoʿou, Niuatoputapu, and Tafahi (together known as the Niuatoputapu, or Niuas, island group) in the far north and ʿAta in the far south.
Tonga: Vavaʿu port

Port at Vavaʿu Island, Tonga.
Tourism Tonga
Tonga’s total land area is dispersed between latitudes 15° and 23° S and longitudes 173° and 177° W. The capital, Nukuʿalofa, is on the island of Tongatapu. Tonga is a member of the Commonwealth and of the United Nations.

Tonga: Haʿapai island group
The waters around the Haʿapai island group, Tonga.
Tourism Tonga
The summit of volcanic undersea mountains forms the two roughly parallel chains of the Tongan islands. Most of the islands of the western chain are classified as high islands, because they have been raised well above sea level by repeated volcanic activity. Four of them are still active volcanoes. Some of the islands composed of lava formed by shield volcanoes, such as Late and Kao, have a hard cone-shaped surface that is not easily eroded. Others, such as Fonuafoʿou (Falcon Island), were formed by more explosive volcanoes, and their surfaces, composed of ash and pumice, erode readily. Fonuafoʿou has arisen and disappeared repeatedly, owing to its cycles of eruption and erosion.

Tonga: ʿEua Island Aerial view along the coast of ʿEua Island, Tonga. Tourism Tonga

Tonga: ʿEua Island Aerial view along the coast of ʿEua Island, Tonga. Tourism Tonga
The low islands of the eastern chain have been capped by coral polyps and foraminifera (marine organisms that have calcareous shells), which build coral rock and limestone reefs. The continuing growth of coral counteracts the sea’s erosion of the reefs and the islands enclosed by them. A protective reef surrounds Tongatapu Island; many islands in the Vavaʿu Group lack such protection and are shrinking.
Tongatapu Island, a raised atoll in the Tongatapu Group, with an area of 100.6 square miles (260.5 square km), is the largest and most densely populated island in Tonga. The highest point in Tonga, 3,389 feet (1,033 metres), is on Kao Island in the Haʿapai Group. ʿEua Island (Tongatapu Group) has an old volcanic ridge rising to 1,078 feet (329 metres) above sea level. The Vavaʿu Group has hills ranging from 500 to 1,000 feet (150 to 300 metres), and Late Island, in its western volcanic chain, rises to 1,700 feet (518 metres). Vavaʿu Island has a fine, large landlocked harbour. The effects of natural erosion are particularly vivid in Vavaʿu. Rainwater reacting with the carbon dioxide in vegetation acquires acidic properties and dissolves coral and limestone rock, thereby forming caves. The constant action of the waves has created the sheer cliffs and sandspits of Vavaʿu and Nukuʿalofa. There are no rivers in Tonga, although ʿEua and Niuatoputapu have creeks.

Tonga: Swallows Cave Swallows Cave, Vavaʿu Island, Tonga. Tourism Tonga

Tonga: Swallows Cave Swallows Cave, Vavaʿu Island, Tonga. Tourism Tonga
Tonga has a semitropical climate except in the northernmost islands, where truly tropical conditions prevail. Temperatures range between 60 and 70 °F (16 and 21 °C) in June and July and reach 80 °F (27 °C) in December and January. The mean annual humidity is 77 percent. The mean annual precipitation varies from 64 inches (1,620 mm) in the Haʿapai Group to 97 inches (2,450 mm) on Niuafoʿou. Humidity increases as the distance from the Equator lessens. The northern islands, which are closest to the Equator, are particularly vulnerable to typhoons, which generally occur between December and April.

Tonga: beach A local beach in the Haʿapai island group, Tonga. Tourism Tonga

Tonga: beach A local beach in the Haʿapai island group, Tonga. Tourism Tonga
Plant and animal life
The well-drained, fertile soils of ʿEua, Kao, Tofua, and Late islands and the slopes and hilltops of Vavaʿu support original forests. ʿEua has the greatest number and variety of trees, and the ridge on the eastern side is a forest reserve. The fast-growing toi and the tavahi constitute a majority of the tree cover on ʿEua. The sandy, rocky, dry soils of the coasts and the direct exposure there to strong winds and salty spray create unfavourable conditions for coastal vegetation. To conserve moisture, plants near the shore have small waxy or hairy leaves. Tidal sand and mudflats have swampy areas that support mangroves. Behind the mudflats, trees with buttress roots, such as the lekileki, sometimes grow.

'Eua 'Eua National Park, eastern 'Eua, Tonga. Duncan Wright

'Eua 'Eua National Park, eastern 'Eua, Tonga. Duncan Wright
Tonga’s land birds include doves, rails, starlings, kingfishers, and many others. The red-breasted musk parrot and the blue-crowned lory, considered by some to be the most beautiful birds in the Pacific, inhabit ʿEua. Island cliffs serve as homes for red-tailed and white-tailed tropic birds. Among the native birds of Niuafoʿou Island is the incubator bird. The common reef heron is a native shorebird. Transient species include golden plovers, wandering tattlers, long-billed curlews, and bar-tailed godwits. Tongan waters attract several varieties of seabirds such as noddies, terns, frigate birds, and mutton birds. The village of Kolovai on Tongatapu Island is home to a colony of flying foxes (Pteropus tonganus, a type of Old World fruit bat). The bats cling to large trees by day and fly at night to forage for food.
Nearly the entire population is of Polynesian ancestry. Tongans are closely related to Samoans and other Polynesians in cultureand language as well as in genetic heritage. There is also a small amount of Melanesian influence through contact with Fiji. Intermarriage with Europeans has become more common, especially as a result of the increasing out-migration of Tongans since the 1970s.

Tonga: White Sunday
Children during White Sunday, a local Tongan tradition

Tourism Tonga
Tonga: Ethnic composition
Religion is an important aspect of Tongan society, and most Tongan families are members of a Christian church. About one-third of Tongans belong to the Free Wesleyan (Methodist) Church; nearly one-fifth are Mormons; and there are smaller but significant proportions of Roman Catholics and members of the Free Church of Tonga. The remainder belong to smaller, mostly Protestant, denominations. The Tongan language is taught in primary schools and is the official language, in addition to English, which is studied as a second language.

Tonga: religion
People leaving a church on Vavaʿu Island, Tonga.

Tourism Tonga
Tonga: Religious affiliation
Most of the Tongan population lives in the three major island groups, and nearly three-fourths live on Tongatapu Island. The urban population has been steadily growing and now accounts for about one-third of the total population. Many Tongans migrate overseas, in particular to the United States and New Zealand. The majority of the population lives in villages. Traditional structures are called fale; they are rectangular in shape and have thatched or corrugated tin roofs and sides made of woven coconut leaves, reeds, or timber. Some Tongans reside in South Seas colonial-style wooden homes with gingerbread trim and exterior walls in pastel shades.

Tonga: Urban-rural

Tonga: Age breakdown
Nukuʿalofa has all the amenities of a capital city. It is also a major port of entry and has several wharves and piers. Much of Nukuʿalofa’s economic activity revolves around coconuts and coconut products. Other ports and commercial centres are Neiafu in the Vavaʿu Group and Pangai in the Haʿapai Group.

Haʿapai Group, Tonga Learn about life in the Haʿapai Group in Tonga in the South Pacific Ocean

Haʿapai Group, Tonga Learn about life in the Haʿapai Group in Tonga in the South Pacific Ocean
Agriculture is the mainstay of the Tongan economy. Squash, coconuts, bananas, and vanilla beans constitute the main cash crops, and other important crops include yams, taro, cassava, corn (maize), watermelons, pineapples, breadfruit, limes, and tomatoes. All land is essentially owned by the Tongan monarchy, but large estates have been divided among the country’s nobles. Land is parceled out to peasant proprietors: traditionally, every male age 16 or over was entitled to an allotment of 7.5 acres (3 hectares) of land for cultivation; more recently, population growth has reduced the size of actual allotments in many places. Timber production, livestock raising, and fishing also contribute to Tonga’s economy.

Tonga: market Women selling fruit at a market in Nukuʿalofa, Tonga

Tonga: market Women selling fruit at a market in Nukuʿalofa, Tonga
Many of Tonga’s products are consumed domestically, but imports—mainly from New Zealand, Singapore, the United States, Fiji, and Australia—form the bulk of the goods consumed in the country. Food and beverages account for the largest category of imports, in terms of value. Exports include mainly agricultural crops and fish, and New Zealand, Japan, Australia, and the United States are the chief destinations.

Tonga: Major import sources

Tonga: Major export destinations
Manufactures include concrete products, construction and transportation equipment, furniture, clothing, food products, and various small handicrafts. A small mining industry quarries coral and sand. Crop processing and marketing have been undertaken by cooperative societies. Remittances from Tongans working overseas—especially in New Zealand, the United States, and Australia—and tourism have both contributed significantly to the growth of the Tongan economy.

Haʿapai Group, Tonga; humpback whale Learn about swimming with humpback whales in the South Pacific Ocean near the Haʿapai Group in Tonga

Haʿapai Group, Tonga; humpback whale Learn about swimming with humpback whales in the South Pacific Ocean near the Haʿapai Group in Tonga
About one-fourth of Tonga’s road network consists of paved all-weather roads, almost all of which are located on the two largest islands; the remaining roads are of dirt or coral. Tonga has no railroad. Nukuʿalofa and Neiafu are ports used for external shipping. Copra and bananas are exported from Pangai. Regular international air service to New Zealand, Fiji, Australia, Samoa, American Samoa, Niue, and Hawaii(Honolulu) is available from Fuaʿamotu International Airport on Tongatapu. Domestic flights are serviced by airports on ʿEua, Haʿapai, Vavaʿu, Niuafoʿou, and Niuatoputapu. An undersea fibre-optic cable linking Tonga with a Fiji-based regional telecommunications network provides high-speed Internet access.

Coconut trees on copra plantation, Lifuka, Tonga

Coconut trees on copra plantation, Lifuka, Tonga
Government and society
Tonga’s constitution, granted in 1875 by King George Tupou I and amended only slightly since, established a constitutional monarchy. The chief executive is the monarch, who governs in close consultation with the prime minister in all matters except the judiciary; the monarch alone holds the power to appoint judges, grant clemency, and commute prison sentences. The monarch appoints a Privy Council, which consists of the monarch and the cabinet. The cabinet has a prime minister, a deputy prime minister, other ministers, and the governors of Haʿapai and Vavaʿu. The unicameral Legislative Assembly (Fale Alea) has 26 seats: 9 hereditary nobles are elected by their peers, and 17 representatives are directly elected for three-year terms by all citizens age 21 and over. Local government is provided by three island councils: one covering ʿEua, the Niuas, and Tongatapu, one for the Vavaʿu Group, and one for the Haʿapai Group. The Privy Council acts as part of the court system as well as assisting the monarch in an advisory capacity; it hears appeals from the land court. The Court of Appeal has jurisdiction over civil and criminal appeals from the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court hears cases on matters arising under the constitution and laws of the kingdom, except for cases concerning titles to land. There are also magistrates’ courts and a land court. Judges are appointed by the monarch with the consent of the Privy Council and serve indefinite terms unless removed for cause.

Royal Palace, Nukuʿalofa, Tonga

Royal Palace, Nukuʿalofa, Tonga
Education is free for all Tongans, and attendance is compulsory between ages 5 and 14. The government runs primary, secondary, and vocational training schools, including a teacher-training college, and the government and many Commonwealth countries offer scholarships to help Tongans pursue higher education abroad. Some primary and secondary schools as well as vocational institutions are run by churches. The University of the South Pacific operates an extension centre in Nukuʿalofa. The private ʿAtenisi Institute (1975) offers secondary, undergraduate, and graduate studies in the liberal arts. Tongans receive free dental and medical treatment. Although the general health of the population is adequate, rates of noncommunicable diseases related to obesity (such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease) have risen steadily since the 1970s. Family planning aids are disseminated with the help of the United Nations and New Zealand.
Cultural life
Although Western influence has somewhat altered traditions and culture in Tonga, certain Tongan rituals and art forms survive. For example, Tonga shares with Fiji, Samoa, and parts of French Polynesia the elaborate ritual surrounding the drinking of kava. The drink, prepared from the root of a pepper plant, has the properties of a mild narcotic. Carving was traditionally done by men, but the craftsmanship was inferior to that of other Polynesians, such as the Maori of New Zealand. Carving and other traditional crafts of higher quality have been produced, however, in response to the demands of the tourist market. Women manufacture tapa cloth from bark and weave mats and baskets from several varieties of pandanus leaves.

Tonga: traditional handicrafts Tongan women making baskets, Tongatapu Island, Tonga. Tourism Tonga

Tonga: traditional handicrafts Tongan women making baskets, Tongatapu Island, Tonga. Tourism Tonga
Traditional dancing is an important part of national ceremonies and local village festivities. In the popular paddle dance, called meʿetuʿupaki, dancers carry paddle-shaped boards painted or carved with abstractions of the human body. Other popular dances include the kailao, a war dance; the lakalakaand the maʿuluʿulu, dances performed by standing and seated groups, respectively, and accompanied by densely polyphonic singing; and the tauʿolunga, an individual dance accompanied by singing. An oral tradition persists in Tongan villages in the form of proverbs, religious epics, genealogies, poetry, fables, and myths.

Tonga: traditional dance
Tongan men performing the kailo, one of Tonga's traditional dances.
Tourism Tonga

Tonga: traditional dance
Tongan women performing the tauʿolunga, one of Tonga's traditional dances.
Tourism Tonga
Tonga was first inhabited about 3,000 years ago by Austronesian-speaking people of the Lapita culture, best known from their elaborately decorated pottery. From at least the 10th century ce Tonga was ruled by a line of sacred kings and queens, the Tuʿi Tonga. About 1470 the reigning Tuʿi Tonga transferred his temporal powers to his brother under the title of Tuʿi Haʿa Takalaua. A similar transfer of power about 1600 resulted in the creation of a third line of monarchs, the Tuʿi Kanokupolu, who eventually became the rulers.
Although some islands were visited by the Dutch navigators Jakob Le Maire and Abel Janszoon Tasman in 1616 and 1643, respectively, effective European contact dates from Capt. James Cook’s visits between 1773 and 1777. Cook called the Tonga islands the Friendly Islands, because the native inhabitants provided him with necessary supplies and gave him a warm welcome. The London Missionary Society and a mission of Methodists made unsuccessful attempts to introduce Christianity to Tonga in 1797 and 1822, respectively. A renewed attempt by the Methodist mission in 1826 was successful, and a Roman Catholic mission was established by the Marists in 1842.
Between 1799 and 1852 Tonga went through a period of war and disorder. This was finally ended by Taufaʿahau, who was converted to Christianity in 1831 by the Methodist missionaries. He became Tuʿi Kanokupolu and subsequently took the title King George Tupou I in 1845. During the king’s long reign (1845–93), Tonga became a unified and independent country with a modern constitution (1875), legal code, and administrative structure. With Taufaʿahau as its most important convert, Christianity spread rapidly. In separate treaties, Germany (1876), Great Britain (1879), and the United States(1888) recognized Tonga’s independence.
George I was succeeded by his great-grandson George II, who died in 1918. During his reign the kingdom became a Britishprotectorate (1900) to discourage German advances. Under the treaty with Great Britain (amended in 1905), Tonga agreed to conduct all foreign affairs through a British consul, who had veto power over Tonga’s foreign policy and finances. George II was followed by Queen Salote Tupou III, who ruled from 1918 to 1965. She was succeeded upon her death in 1965 by her son Prince Tupoutoʿa Tungi, who had been Tonga’s prime minister since 1949. He ruled as King Taufaʿahau Tupou IV.

Map of the Pacific Islands, c. 1902
Map of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, c. 1902, from the atlas of the 10th edition of the

Map of Tonga, c. 1902 (then a British protectorate and also known as the Friendly Islands), from the atlas of the 10th edition. Map of Tonga, c. 1902
In 1970 Tonga regained full control of domestic and foreign affairs and became a fully independent nation within the Commonwealth. A pro-democracy movement took shape in the late 20th century, and, from the 1990s, reform advocates won significant representation in the legislature. The government, however, resisted change. Pro-democracy leaders, including ʿAkilisi Pohiva, a member of the legislature, were occasionally arrested and imprisoned.
From 1983 to 1991, despite domestic and international objections, the government sold some 6,600 Tongan passports to foreign nationals. The revenue from the sale—purportedly some $30 million—was invested in a trust fund that in the late 1990s came under the control of an American businessman, Jesse Bogdanoff. However, by 2001 the fund had lost nearly its entire value to risky investments; a Tongan lawsuit against Bogdanoff in U.S. courts was settled in 2004 for only a fraction of the loss.
As the reform movement gained momentum, some in the legislature and in the royal family were sympathetic. The government, however, responded by attempting to further solidify its authority. In 1999 the first indigenous broadcast television service, government-owned Television Tonga, was established. A newspaper critical of the government and the monarchy, Taimi ʿo Tonga, was banned at various times for allegedly being seditious. The legislature amended the constitution in 2003 to increase governmental control over the media, despite an earlier large-scale public demonstration in Nukuʿalofa against the changes; the Supreme Court later invalidated the amendments. From July to September 2005, in the first national strike in the country’s history, thousands of public service workers struck successfully for greater pay equity.
The country’s first non-noble prime minister, Feleti (Fred) Sevele, was appointed in March 2006. In September, King Taufaʿahau Tupou IV died and was succeeded by Crown Prince Tupoutoʿa, who ruled as King George (Siaosi) Tupou V. Later that month a National Committee for Political Reform, whose formation had been approved by King Taufaʿahau Tupou IV, made its report to the legislature. Its recommendations included reducing the size of the Fale Alea and increasing the number of seats for popularly elected representatives. The Fale Alea passed an amended version, which was to take effect within the next several years; following the vote, a demonstration by pro-democracy protesters turned into a riot that went on for several weeks. Arson destroyed most of the capital’s business district and left seven people dead; hundreds were arrested. Troops were called in from New Zealand and Australia to reestablish peace.

Funeral of King Taufaʿahau Tupou IV in Nukuʿalofa, Tonga, September 2006

Funeral of King Taufaʿahau Tupou IV in Nukuʿalofa, Tonga, September 2006
Following his accession to the throne, King George Tupou V began divesting himself of ownership in many of the state assets that constituted much of the wealth of the monarchy. That process was completed prior to his coronation in August2008. At the same time, the king announced the cession of much of the monarchy’s absolute power; henceforth, most of the monarch’s governmental decisions, except those relating to the judiciary, were to be made in consultation with the prime minister.

Tonga: King George Tupou V King George (Siaosi) Tupou V of Tonga (right) participating in a traditional coronation ceremony—known as the taumafa kava—in 2008, Nukuʿalofa, Tonga

Tonga: King George Tupou V King George (Siaosi) Tupou V of Tonga (right) participating in a traditional coronation ceremony—known as the taumafa kava—in 2008, Nukuʿalofa, Tonga
The pro-democracy movement made a strong showing in the November 2010 elections to the Fale Alea. The Democratic Party, led by Pohiva, won 12 of the 17 contested seats, although they were not enough to allow the party to form an outright majority. The other five elected seats were won by independents, who in December joined with the nine nobles to elect a noble, Tuʿivakano, rather than a commoner, as prime minister.
On September 29, 2009, an undersea earthquake of magnitude 8.3 in the Pacific Ocean, centred some 120 miles (190 km) to the northeast of the island of Niuatoputapu, generated a tsunamithat reached Tonga. Approximately 10 people were killed on the island, and a number of villages were destroyed.
King George Tupou V died in Hong Kong on March 18, 2012. He was succeeded by his brother, Crown Prince Tupoutoʿa Lavaka, who ruled as Tupou VI. Following the Democratic Party’s victory in December 2014 elections, ʿAkilisi Pohiva took office as prime minister in January 2015.