William Henry Harrison

William Henry Harrison
William Henry Harrison, (born February 9, 1773, Charles Citycounty, Virginia [U.S.]—died April 4, 1841, Washington, D.C., U.S.), ninth president of the United States (1841), whose Indiancampaigns, while he was a territorial governor and army officer, thrust him into the national limelight and led to his election in 1840. He was the oldest man, at age 67, ever elected president up to that time, the last president born under British rule, and the first to die in office—after only one month’s service. His grandson Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd president of the United States (1889–93). (For a discussion of the history and nature of the presidency, see presidency of the United States of America.)

Harrison, William Henry
An overview of William Henry Harrison.
Early years
Born at Berkeley Plantation in Virginia, Harrison was descended from two wealthy and well-connected Virginia families. His father, Benjamin Harrison, was long prominent in Virginia politics and became a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1764, opposing Patrick Henry’s Stamp Actresolutions in the following year. He also was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, a member of the Continental Congress, and the governor of Virginia (1781–84). A brother, Carter Bassett Harrison, served six years in the House of Representatives.

Harrison, William Henry; Berkeley Plantation Berkeley Plantation in Charles City, Virginia, the birthplace of William Henry Harrison. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
William Henry Harrison received a classical education at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, where he was a student from 1787 to 1790. He then studied medicine in Richmond, Virginia, and in Philadelphia with Benjamin Rush. However, the death of his father caused Harrison to discontinue his studies. In November 1791, at age 18, he enlisted in the army as an ensign in the 10th Regiment at Fort Washington near Cincinnati (in what is now Ohio). The following year he was made a lieutenant and subsequently served as an aide-de-campto Gen. Anthony Wayne, who was engaged in a struggle against the Northwest Indian Confederation over the westward encroachment of white settlers. Harrison took part in the campaign that ended in the Battle of Fallen Timbers (August 20, 1794), near present-day Maumee, Ohio. The following year, on November 25, he married Anna Tuthill Symmes. Because her father objected to the match, the couple married in secret. Harrison was promoted to captain in 1797 and, for a brief period, served as commander of Fort Washington, resigning from the army in June 1798.

Harrison, Anna Anna Harrison, oil painting by Cornelia Stuart Cassady, 1843
In subsequent years Harrison held several government positions. In 1798 Pres. John Adams named Harrison to succeed Winthrop Sargent as secretary of the Northwest Territory, a vast tract of land encompassing most of the future states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin. The following year Harrison was sent to Congress as a territorial delegate. While serving in this capacity, he devised a plan for distributing public lands to settlers and also assisted in the division of the Northwest Territory. It was Harrison’s ambition to become governor of the reconstituted, more-populous eastern portion of the territory. Instead, in May 1800, Adams appointed Harrison governor of the newly created Indiana Territory, which comprised, until 1809, a much larger area than the present state of Indiana. He would serve as governor for 12 years. In 1803 Harrison also became a special commissioner charged with negotiating with Native Americans “on the subject of boundary or lands.” Succumbing to the demands of land-hungry whites, he negotiated a number of treaties between 1802 and 1809 that stripped Indians of millions of acres of land—in the southern part of the present state of Indiana and portions of the present states of Illinois, Wisconsin, and Missouri. For a few months after the division in 1804 of the Louisiana Purchase into the Orleans Territory and the Louisiana Territory, Harrison also acted as governor of the Louisiana Territory (all of the Louisiana Purchase north of the 33rd parallel), the largest jurisdiction ever exercised by a territorial official in the United States to that date.

Harrison, William Henry; Tippecanoe, Battle of
William Henry Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe (1811).

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Resisting the expansionism fostered by the treaties negotiated by Harrison, the Shawnee intertribal leader Tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa, who was known as the Prophet, organized an Indian uprising. Returning to military service, Harrison commanded a force of seasoned regulars and militiathat defeated the Indians led by the Prophet at the Battle of Tippecanoe (November 7, 1811), near present-day Lafayette, Indiana, a victory that largely established his military reputation in the public mind. A few months after the War of 1812 broke out with Great Britain, Harrison was made a brigadier general and placed in command of all federal forces in the Northwest Territory. He would be promoted to the rank of major general in March 1813.
Gen. James Winchester, whom Harrison had ordered to prepare to cross Lake Erie on the ice and surprise Fort Maiden, turned back to rescue the threatened American settlement at Frenchtown (now Monroe, Michigan), on the River Raisin, and there on January 22, 1813, was forced to surrender to Col. Henry A. Procter. With his offensive operations having been thus checked, Harrison accomplished nothing that summer except to hold in check Procter, who besieged him at Fort Meigs (May 1–5), the American advance post after the disaster at the River Raisin. After Master Commandant Oliver Hazard Perry’s naval victory in the Battle of Lake Erie on September 10, 1813, Harrison no longer had to remain on the defensive. He advanced to Detroit, reoccupied the territory surrendered by Gen. William Hull, and on October 5, 1813, decisively defeated the British and their Indian allies at the Battle of the Thames, in Ontario, Canada. Tecumseh was killed in the battle, and the British-Indian alliance was permanently destroyed. Thus ended resistance in the Northwest.
Political career
After the war, Harrison settled in Ohio, where he quickly became active in politics. He served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1816–19), where he worked on behalf of more liberal pension laws, better militia organization, and improvements in the navigation of the Ohio River and for the strict construction of the power of Congress over the territories, particularly in regard to slavery. In accordance with this view, in 1819 he voted against James Tallmadge’s amendment(restricting the extension of slavery) to the enabling act for the admission of Missouri as a state. He delivered forcible speeches upon the death of Tadeusz Kościuszko and upon Gen. Andrew Jackson’s invasion of Florida in 1818, favouring a partial censure of the latter. Harrison also served in the Ohio Senate (1819–21) and the U.S. Senate (1825–28). In 1820 he made an unsuccessful run for governor of Ohio.

American presidential election, 1840
Results of the American presidential election, 1840Source: United States Office of the Federal Register.
In 1828, after failing to secure for Harrison either the command of the army upon the death of Maj. Gen. Jacob Jennings Brownor the nomination as vice president on the ticket with John Quincy Adams, Harrison’s friends managed to get him appointed as the first minister of the United States to Gran Colombia. He became, however, an early sacrifice to Jackson’s spoils system and was recalled within less than a year, though not before he had involved himself in some awkward diplomatic complications with the short-lived republic’s government. For some years after his return from Colombia, Harrison lived in retirement at North Bend, Ohio. He was occasionally mentioned as a candidate for governor, senator, or representative by the anti-Jackson forces, and during this period he delivered a few addresses on agricultural or political topics. Later he obtained the lucrative post of clerk of the court of common pleas of Hamilton county, Ohio.
Early in 1835 Harrison began to be mentioned as a suitable presidential candidate for the nascent Whig Party in the 1836 election. He was nominated as one of the splintered new party’s three candidates at large public meetings in Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland (the Whigs had neither a unifying platform nor a national convention). In the general election, Harrison attracted a large portion of the Whig and Anti-Masonic vote in the Midwest and Western states, but, although he finished highest among those candidates opposing Democrat Martin Van Buren, Harrison received only 73 electoral votes, while Van Buren secured 170 to become president.
Nonetheless, Harrison’s popular-vote totals were large enough to encourage him to make another attempt. In the 1840 electioncampaign, Harrison won the Whig nomination over Sen. Henry Clay of Kentucky, largely because of Harrison’s military record and noncommittal political views.
In Harrison the Whigs believed they had found a new Jackson, attractive as a war hero and a frontiersman. He became, as a result, the first “packaged” presidential candidate, depicted as a simple soul from the backwoods. To pull in Southern Democrats, the Whigs nominated John Tyler of Virginia for vice president. Capitalizing on voters’ distress over the severe economic depression caused by the panic of 1837, the campaign deliberately avoided discussion of national issues and substituted political songs, partisan slogans, and appropriate insignia: miniature log cabins and jugs of hard cider were widely distributed to emphasize Harrison’s frontier identification, and the cry of “Tippecanoe and Tyler too” rang throughout the land, calling up Harrison’s dramatic triumph on the field of battle 29 years earlier. These appeals triumphed, with Harrison winning 234 electoral votes to incumbent Van Buren’s 60.

A political cartoon from the 1840 presidential campaign, in which Pres. Martin Van Buren, a Democrat, was defeated by the Whig candidate, William Henry Harrison. The cartoon shows Van Buren driving a carriage called “Uncle Sam's Cab,” which wrecks on a pile of “Clay,” representing powerful Whig Sen. Henry Clay. Harrison, depicted as a locomotive, bears down on Van Buren. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Harrison was the first president-elect to travel by railroad to Washington, D.C., for his inauguration. Wearing no gloves and no overcoat despite the freezing weather, he rode up Pennsylvania Avenue on a white horse to take the oath of office on March 4, 1841. It was said that he was as pleased with the presidency “as a young woman with a new bonnet.” In the cold drizzle he delivered an inaugural address that lasted almost two hours. In it he highlighted a common Whig concern—“executive usurpation”—and reconfirmed his belief in a limited role for the U.S. president. He said he would serve but one term, limit his use of the veto, and leave revenue schemes to Congress.

Harrison, William Henry: inauguration The inauguration of William Henry Harrison in Washington, D.C., on March 4, 1841. Library of Congress, Washington,D.C.
However strong may be my present purpose to realize the expectations of a magnanimous and confiding people, I too well understand the dangerous temptations to which I shall be exposed from the magnitude of the power which it has been the pleasure of the people to commit to my hands not to place my chief confidence upon the aid of that Almighty Power which has hitherto protected me and enabled me to bring to favorable issues other important but still greatly inferior trusts heretofore confided to me by my country.
The address was circulated to some parts of the country by railroad. For the first time, people outside Washington could read the president’s words the same day they were uttered.
Harrison was soon overwhelmed by office seekers. He was thoroughly dominated by the better-known leaders of his party—Daniel Webster, whom he appointed secretary of state, and Henry Clay. His relations with Clay were embittered, as Clay then preferred to wield power as leader of the Whigs in Congress. Once, when Clay was pressing his opinions on him, Harrison responded, “Mr. Clay, you forget that I am president.” Harrison tried to do everything expected of him, even trudging around Washington to purchase supplies for the White House. But a cold he had contracted on inauguration day developed into pneumonia, and he died just a month later. His wife, Anna, who was recovering from an illness, had not yet traveled to Washington; the couple’s widowed daughter-in-law, Jane Irwin Harrison, was performing the duties of first lady in her absence. Anna was packing her belongings for the journey when she learned of her husband’s death, which brought “His Accidency,” John Tyler, to the presidency. The first president to lie in state in the Capitol, Harrison was buried in Washington. Two months later, in June, his remains were reinterred in North Bend, Ohio.

Harrison, William Henry