Awaited Al Mahdi
In light of the strife that ripples the Arab and Islamic nation at the present time, and in light of the rampant corruption in our societies and the injustice that filled the horizons, millions of Muslims are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Imam Mahdi, who the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about his departure at the end of time. What is the belief of Sunnis and Shiites about his personality?
Definition of the awaited Mahdi
The Mahdi, as mentioned in the Noble Prophet's Hadiths is a man of the descendants of the house of the Prophet peace be upon him who was born Fatima, and the name of this man Mohammed bin Abdullah, and the moral qualities mentioned by the Holy Prophet, And the nose is a sharp nose, as described by other congenital qualities have not corrected.

The task of Imam Mahdi and how to get out
The task of Imam Mahdi that he will be graduated by God to be a successor to the Muslims lead them towards justice and guidance, and for the sake of his duties and the greatest to fight injustice and injustice and apply justice and equality between people until the land filled justice and premium as filled by unfair and unfair, and the policies of the Mahdi expected to frequent The money among the people of the blessing of justice and the emergence of blessings and good deeds and development.
Even in some of the hadiths that he urges the money urged and does not prepare it except for many, and it was narrated from his departure that it is from the east and Khorasan, and it comes out on the difference between people and many sedition, For the Imamah between the corner and the shrine, as narrated from the Imam Mahdi that he settled in Jerusalem and in his time, Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, enters the mosque and he prays with people, delaying the Imam Mahdi until our master Jesus prays.
Shiite belief in the personality of the Mahdi
The majority of the teams of Islam on the emergence of Imam Mahdi, although different views of his personality and how to leave, the belief of the Sunnis and the community says that the Mahdi is a fact confirmed by the conversations that have been repeated, and the Shiite belief in the twelfth in that they see that he was born in 255 The son of Imam al-Hasan al-Askari, and that since he reached the age of five, he disappeared in a basement in the city of Samarra, and they call this absence a minor absence and they see that it lasted until 329 AH, and then the great gheebah took place. The Mahdi was born long ago. Its existence is so while.