
The Antichrist

The Antichrist

The name of the Antichrist :

because the sample has been wiped is a blind and there were many stories and talk and talk about the story of the Antichrist, some of which is true, including what is Zayev and some of the Israeli and Hadith, which has no support and the best way to read what was written in the Sahih Muslim The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that when a lot of hadeeth was narrated on the authority of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) on the hadeeth of the Dajjal,

His companions said to him: O Messenger of God; more talk about him, we were afraid, so we thought soon of us, as if he would brief us shortly after this palm.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The dajjal is not afraid of you. If he goes out with you, I will hold him in front of you.

They said: O Messenger of God describe us.

He said: He is a severe young man with hair, his right eye protruding like a grape, has gone its light, a blind, claiming divinity, written on his forehead: an unbeliever ... the believer sees it clearly.

They said: Where to go out, O Messenger of God? He said: He goes out of the road between the Levant and Iraq, and he wreaks havoc on the earth wherever he goes. They said: What is in the ground? - How much remains in the ground - He said: Forty days: day as a year, and a day as a month, and a day as a package, and the rest of his days as your days.

They said: "O Messenger of Allaah, is that the day on which we did not pray in a day? - Praying for a Muslim like water for the neighborhood, does not live without it. He said: No: appreciate his ability ... - must be divided time in this day, like a year -.

They said: Who follows him, O Messenger of God? .

He said: The Dajjal - one of the Jews of Isfahan - has seventy thousand on them.

They said: O Messenger of God; how fast in the ground?

He said: Like the wind, the wind has tempered him - the rush of rain, which the wind shakes hard, reaches all the corners of the earth.

They said: I will enter the whole country and spoil it ?! 

He said: There is no country but the Antichrist, except Mecca and Medina, angels turn between him and Safin guard them. When the city arrived in the nearby Sabkha, and the city trembles three tremors, God comes out of them all infidel and hypocrite.

They said: What do we do if we are alive?

He said: Navarwa in the mountains, and do not stand in his way, between the creation of Adam to the Hour is greater than the Dajjal, it is aware of you Vljrv it Vtahat Cave.

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