How God created angels

Belief in the angels The pillars of faith Six, the second faith in the angels after faith in God Almighty, is not true faith of the slave unless he believes in them without distinction, it is not permissible to love the one who hates and hates whoever he wants, and must believe that they are creatures of God, and believe in their existence and their work even if not Narham, in accordance with the provisions of the Koran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.
The angels created before the creation of humans; God told His great angels that He would create human beings of clay, and they must prostrate to them the prostration of honoring, as well as created before the creation of the heavens and the earth and the oath, and their number is known only by God.
Some of them, like our master Gabriel and Michael, peace be upon them.
Where the existence of angels and their function live angels in the sky, and sometimes God commands them to come down to the earth to carry out the task of ordering them; their job primarily worship God and maximize and praise and sanctification, and eight of them are commanded to carry the great throne, and some of them inform the revelation, including entrusted to save the children of Adam, And to pray for the believers and seek forgiveness for them, and to carry out the punishment and punish the infidels, as well as catch the soul at death, and blowing in the pictures on the Day of Resurrection.
How God created the angels God created the angels from the light, and does not know the nature of any kind is the light but God, and human beings because of the nature that God created them can not see the angels in their true image, our Prophet peace be upon him when King Jibril He came to him in the form of a man he knew; the human eye could not see this light, but the Almighty violated the customs of His power and enabled His Messenger to see Jibril twice only for His truthfulness.
We believe that the angels are great creatures, they have wings that differ from one king to another, and they are strong, and look beautiful.
When human beings are described as beautiful, they are likened to angels, as our master Joseph (peace be upon him) likened them to.
God has created the angels to worship him alone; they are infallible, they do not disobey God what He commanded them, and do what they are commanded, obey their masters and execute His orders without tirelessness and boredom.
Nor described as masculinity or femininity, do not desire marriage, as well as the dignity of righteousness justified their good morals.