The story of Harut and Marut

By the one but God's permission and learn what harm them and does not benefit them and have not learned N What bought him in the Hereafter creatively and what an evil Hroa by themselves if they knew "(102) Cow.
According to most scholars and elders, the Jews rejected the Book of God and followed the books of magic and sorcery that spread through the time of our master Solomon, peace be upon him, where the devils ascended to the sky, and steal the hearing from the words of the angels who talk about what will be God's permission in the land of various things, So they claimed that they knew the unseen, and the priests would find the people and find him as they said.
They increased each word with seventy words, and they wrote it in books that they read and taught people what was in it.
This was the time of Solomon, peace be upon him. Solomon, and the king of what is boring E of Afterall and bird login wind.
Allah has revealed these two kings, Harout and Marut, to teach people the magic that they have to overcome, and to distinguish people between magic and miracle, and to protect them from evil, and not punishment for them as stated in most The Israelis.
Harut and Marut do not know the magic of anyone until they warn him, and they tell him that they are evildoers of God, and that he who learns magic and works in it is kufr.
And they do not benefit anything in the Hereafter, but they can not harm anyone unless His permission, for the magic does not affect himself, but God's command and His will.
The Jews have learned that whoever replaces the devils with the words of God does not have a share of paradise.
The Jews chose to be preoccupied with magic, and they chose what they chose as an alternative to the true book of God.
They preferred it to faith. If they believed, it would be good for them.
That the Jews of the city did not ask the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him for nothing but answered them, and when asked about the magic, God revealed these verses to tell them the story.
God sent down these two kings to divide people between the truth that came Solomon and God fulfilled what I have for Solomon, and the falsehood that the priests came from magic and sorcery, to differentiate between the miracle and magic.