Symptoms of envy

Envy is one of the things that affect the nature of people in many situations.
Psychologically, thinking about the effect of envy on a person leads to a negative change in his outlook, and makes his life more miserable, and physically, he will attribute all the pains and estrangements to envy.
And think about something that is likely to be truthful as imaginable, and begins to analyze and think, and is preoccupied with his illness and the original sense of the order may not exist in fact, does envy actually affect the human?
If this is true, how can a person distinguish whether it is confirmed or if the disease and the disease were just an organic matter to cause and treatment?
The meaning of envy
The envy of the language is envy and envies envy envy; if a person wishes that the grace will be removed from others and transmitted to him, or that the grace or all the blessings be stolen from a particular person or from the people in general, without the intention that some of those blessings Or all of them, to him, the goal of the first harbinger is the disappearance of grace of those who see it enjoyed.
Envy is an idiom: He wishes for the disappearance of grace or blessings from other people and their transfer to Him.
Symptoms of envy
A person can distinguish whether he is afflicted with envy or that he has suffered an organic matter or a disease of his scientific interpretation, through several factors and things, the most prominent of which are:
That the symptoms of physical or organic or psychological on the patient, lead to the disease, and the impact of it, with the difficulty of interpretation of the causes of these diseases and analysis scientifically, as the diseases that are natural causes easy to analyze the causes and thus treat easily, and the diseases resulting from magic and envy are It is usually so unknown that doctors may be unable to prescribe a proper treatment in some cases.
Although the causes of reconciliation between individuals are great, the means of livelihood are wide and its doors are numerous, it has been proven in the Sunnah of the noble Prophet, the effect of the eye and envy in the life of the Muslim in general, that it may lead to his death as well as cause strife and problems between him and His family members, said the Prophet - peace be upon him: (the right eye intervention camel camel and man grave),
It was proven that the Prophet - peace be upon him - was jealous of the eye and envy, and help his family and his family from them in many places, including that reported by Ibn Abbas - may Allah be pleased with them - he said: (The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - Says: I remind you of God's full words, from every devil and important and every eye of the nation).
The difference between the eye and hatred and jealousy and envy
There are several terms that share the word envy in the form and name, but they may differ in content and content, such as glee, eye and hatred, and the most important characteristic of envy and the other three terms:
Eye and envy
It is possible to distinguish between the eye and the envy that the envy envies what he sees and what he does not see, but the object it affects precisely what he sees directly, affects the afflicted in what he sees Vtlfh or harm him, but envy envy of what he sees or hears of the blessings of other people, and It is the result of the envy of the person who is the envy, which makes him wish for the removal of grace from him, but it hurts everything that he sees blindly without the knowledge of the owner, because of the malice in himself and his bed.
Hatred and envy
The difference between hatred and envy is clear between; the hatred is the jealousy and the hatred of a particular person, and usually this hatred is the result of enmity and dissonance among people, and free hatred of heart acts such as the intention of evil, or the evil of the oppressor, but if hatred moved from the stage of the empty ball to think Which is equivalent to the disappearance of blessings from the contract, it turns in this case to envy, the path is in the heart to the hatred and resulting from it, an initial stage may have reached the envy.
Glee and envy
There is only one essential difference between bliss and envy.
Envy is the hope of the demise of grace from a slave.
The difference between them is that bliss means that one hopes that God will grant him the blessings of one of his peers, with the hope that the blessings that have been given to others will remain the same.
So that God increases it in the enjoyment of it and that it does not depart from that blessing; Aljgtp evidence of the joy of the slave, including the brother of the people with his desire to get some or some of them, and envy is sadness for what happened to other bliss with hope to remove it.
Envy in Quran and Sunnah
The mention of envy in many texts in the Holy Quran or true about the Prophet - peace be upon him - and proven in the Sunnah and those texts:
The unbelievers were looking at the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - with the right and envy of what he came from prophecy, which is considered in the human custom a difficult position.
The Almighty said: (and the evil of envy if envy), and this verse showed what came in envy, has resorted to the Holy Quran of that and ordered Muslims to avoid envy and its people.
Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The eye is right, the devil is brought to it, and the envy of the Son of Adam."
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "If the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) complained about him, he said: In the name of God he will heal you, and every disease will cure you.
Saying - peace be upon him - from the story of Abdullah bin Abbas: (Al Ain is the right to take off the gallows), and here is the meaning of the mountain high high in high.
Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "In the name of God, I will raise you up, from everything that harms you, from the evil of every soul or the envy of God."