
Masonic symbols in films

Masonic symbols in films

Many literary texts, films, and paintings contain many complex ideas hidden in the depths, which we sometimes fail to notice from the first look.

Often, screenwriters and filmmakers aim to present more important things in their cinematic works than mere spectacles, as their work targets philosophical, historical, social, and even religious issues.

For this reason, BrightSight has collected a selection of best-in-depth movies that have deep meanings, which you may not have noticed at all despite seeing them over and over:

Inception film "Inception"

This film is a film creation, each member of the group has a special role that corresponds to the members of the film crew; Fatom Hardy, who plays the role of the actor who easily changes the appearance. Who pays for the project. Youssef, played by Dileep Rao, is responsible for the special effects, Joseph Gordon Levitt as Arthur's manager, Kobe plays Leonardo DiCaprio, the only director who knows how everything should end. The group's goal is to cultivate an idea in a person's head.

The Matrix

The film can be interpreted in a number of different ways, it is full of symbolism and the secret of the signs, from Alice in Wonderland to the secret plans of Freemasonry; each theory requires a detailed explanation, so we will confine ourselves to one theory which is the most mysterious and interesting. "New," and when we look at it, we conclude that the passport expired on September 11, 2001. It is the same date as the September 11 incident in the United States. Do not forget that the screening was in March 1999, before the events. Is this just a coincidence? That there is a deeper meaning than that ?!


Spiderman's popularity has been very popular around the world, and it is simply because every one of us has lived the story of Peter Parker, not literally in the exaggerated way and drama shown on film screens, but also the story of a teenager's "transformation" About puberty.

The hero in the film observes fundamental physiological changes. At first, he has a sense of fear and anxiety, as does his family, which worries about him, but later adapts in a clumsy way to changes and eventually adapts to the situation.


The first version of the X-Men series, written in the 1960s, was essentially a metaphor for the struggle for civil rights for some segments of the underprivileged society. But this idea became less resonant with time. The series of films released in the 21st century became less relevant In this case, where the rights of sexual minorities have been transformed.

"The converts will get equal rights like the rest!" They can be instantly recognized by individuals who pay attention to such real-life differences.

Groundhog Day

The main character lives in the same movie again and again, until that moment when he realizes what is happening and understands what is going on around him, so that he can finally break that vicious circle. This is reminiscent of Buddhist philosophy: "Every day passes, and with every new life, The person is closer to Enlightenment, so that he can eventually achieve it. "

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