How did the earth form?

There are two different theories that explain how planets originated in our solar system.
The first and most widely accepted is the so-called "basic accumulation" theory.
It explains well the origin of terrestrial planets such as the Earth but faces some problems with giant planets.
Which may be responsible for the emergence of giant planets, scientists are still following the search of planets inside and outside the solar system, trying to find out which method is the most correct.
Basic accumulation:
About 4.6 billion years ago, the solar system was a cloud of dust and gas known as the "solar nebula", the gravitational plane of the material itself, and began to spin, the problem of the sun in the middle of that nebula. As the sun grew, the remaining materials began to assemble and small particles Constrained by the force of gravity and converted to larger particles and then the solar wind swept away light elements such as helium and hydrogen away, leaving the heavy elements and rocks to form «small earth worlds» such as: Earth.
But far away in space, solar wind has a lighter effect on light metals, allowing them to gather in giant gas clusters, which form planets, comets, satellites and small asteroids.
The solid nucleus of the Earth is formed first, with heavy elements colliding and intermingling. The dense matter plunges into the center, while the less dense elements form the crust, and the magnetic field of the planets is likely to form.
In the age of evolution, Earth suffered from effects because of the large body that flips parts of the planetary sash into outer space, causing gravity to bring together the problem of the moon, which in turn carries a orbit around its origin.
The flow of the scarf under the earth's crust caused tectonic plates, and caused a large movement of rock sheets on the surface of the earth.
Collision and friction caused the rise of mountains and volcanoes, which in turn began to release gases into the atmosphere, and despite the large number of meteors and asteroids that pass through the solar system, the number was much greater when the sun was more young.
Unstable Disk:
Although "continuous accumulation" works well with terrestrial planets, gas giants need to evolve rapidly to capture the light gases they contain, so simulation was not able to calculate this rapid formation. According to models, the process needs several Millions of years, and at the same time, the solar accumulation theory is facing the issue of migration, as the small planets will slide gliding towards the sun in a short period.
According to the theory of relativity, the unstable disk, the masses of gas and dust gathered together early in the solar system, over time, these blocks are together with the problem of giant planets, as the planets formed by the «unstable disk» form more quickly than the counterpart In the "constant accumulation", sometimes in less than a thousand years can count the rapid disappearance of light gases, until they reach the appropriate size of the orbital stability that protects them from the descent towards the sun.
As scientists continue to search for planets and stars in our solar system, one day they will gain a better understanding of how the Earth and its brothers are created in space.