The Solar System

The Solar System The Solar System is a system that consists of the Sun and everything that goes around it, including planets, moons, asteroids, comets and meteorites.
The sun is the largest celestial object in the solar system, the star at the center of the system, and is linked to its attractiveness, as the mass of the sun about 98% of the mass of the entire system, and the sun is the origin of life on Earth is the source of heat and light, Of the gas and dust known as the planetary interstellar medium, and the planets have satellites called satellites, and the number of satellites in the solar system has been estimated at 140 satellites.
The genesis of the planets and the solar system
There is a set of theories that explain how the solar system is formed, but the nebular theory is more a theory that scientists have relied upon to analyze the factors and causes of the formation of the solar system and its planets.
Nebulae is a reference to the term nebula, a cloud of rocks, cosmic dust, and minerals, such as iron and aluminum, and by the factors and chemical reactions of space that have led to the hardening and freezing of these minerals, leading to the formation of the sun as part of the nebular system , And then united the other chemical elements, to be planets and other stars depending on the different temperatures acquired by the sun as the main element in the orbit of the solar system.

The order of planets according to distance from the sun.
Solar planets are eight planets, and their order comes from the closest to the sun to Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
These planets are classified into small internal planets called terrestrial planets, Surrounded by a belt of asteroids, together form the inner solar system.
These include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Giants, surrounded by the icy belt of Kiber, forming the outer solar system, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Netto .
The planet Pluto has been excluded as a dwarf planet as defined by the IAU.
The motion of planets and criminars is influenced by the gravity of the sun. The planets closest to the sun move more rapidly than the distant planets, because of the sun's gravity, the nearest region or point of the sun, and the farthest region or point at the top.
The planet is the third planet in terms of distance from the sun, and it is the only planet that has a life, since the presence of water by a large proportion and the distance between them and the sun makes them fit for life.
The classification of the solar system's planet according to its location from the Earth and the Sun to:
The inner planets
Mercury is the most hot planet in the solar system; ts surface temperature is 480 ° C, enough to melt raw lead.
External planets
Namely Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
These planets are located behind the asteroid belt, and the asteroid belt is an area between Jupiter and Mars, filled with small rock bodies, some of them roughly the size of the moon, while some are only a few meters in diameter.
The number of planets in the outer à four is: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
These planets meet in a large number of qualities, they are all very giant, so that the largest (the buyer) can contain within it all other planets combined.
And all the outer planets are very low density, and because they are gaseous composition; these planets do not have a solid surface, and can not anyone or a spacecraft to walk it because it is a giant clouds of gas and dust, which consists mostly of the elements of hydrogen and helium, but inside the nucleus Small rocks and minerals, hundreds of times smaller than the size of the planet.
While there is another division depending on the size and mass of the planets:
Planetary planets: They are Earth-like in size and mass, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Pluto.
The giant planets (Jupiter): They are similar to the buyer in terms of mass and size, namely Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Some of these planets orbit one or more moons and some have no moons.
For example, the Earth orbits one moon while Mars, for example, has two satellites, Phobos and Demos, and Venus has no moons.
Some of these planets have an atmosphere like Earth, while Mercury does not have an atmosphere but is surrounded by a group of atoms of hydrogen gas and helium, making its surface very hot during the day and very cold at night.
Solar Planet
Planet Mars

Is the fourth planet away from the sun, and features very cold climate, and the color of its skin red because of the dust storms that arise on the surface, where this dust is made of red iron oxide, and the planet Mars is similar to the earth by the nature of storms emerging, and surface manifestations such as mountains, valleys and rocks, An old life on its surface; its surface is covered with ice which is thought to be water.

Is the largest planet in the solar system, and the five planets away from the sun, the atmosphere of the planet is mostly composed of gases such as helium and hydrogen, and as a result, it shows different spectral colors when you look at it.
In addition, the buyer has a very strong magnetic field, , Making it look like a miniature solar system.

Saturn is the sixth planet in the order in terms of distance from the sun, and is famous for the three rings, which scientists are still uncertain how and why they are formed, and Saturn is similar to the buyer by its nature, gas, forming helium and hydrogen, the basic elements, in addition to having many satellites in orbit.
Planet of Uranus

The seventh planet of the solar system is characterized by its unique horizontal way of spinning around the sun, its orthogonal rings, and the surface of Uranus as a huge ocean.
It is also one of the brightest clouds compared to other planets.

Is the last planet of the planets in the solar system, the most distant from the sun and the earth, as it can not be seen with the naked eye, and Neptune is similar to Jupiter with several characteristics, including a large spot where the occurrence of hurricanes and storms, and owns many satellites, Some of the rings are thought to be relatively modern and are characterized by the rest of the planets by including the atmosphere on the strongest winds.
Planet Mercury

The planet Mercury is described as the smallest planet of the solar system; its size is only a little more than the moon, and is closest to the sun, which shows the sun multiplied by three times when viewed from the surface of Mercury compared to what appears from the surface of the Earth, 11 times.

The second planet in order in terms of distance between him and the sun, and the closest planets to the planet in terms of distance and size and structure, and is characterized by Venus from the rest of the planets opposite direction in addition to being considered the most hot planets because of its thick layer of thermal effect, Of volcanoes and deformed mountains.
Planet Earth

The planet is classified as the third planet by distance from the Sun and the 5th among the planets in size.
Earth is also the only planet that has properties that help to live and live on its surface. Although the planets of the solar system were derived by reference to the names of the Roman and Greek gods, That the designation of the land came from the origin of English German as its meaning implies.