The "Petrol" -Oil- is a doom for the outbreak of World War III

Today we continue to introduce new methods and methods developed by the states
"The change in US national security strategy after the events of September 11," says researcher Marwa Mohammed Abdul Hamid Abdul Majeed, "is that the US administration has begun to prevent terrorists from controlling any country, The terrorist groups aim to overthrow democracy and create a haven for terrorism, which destabilizes the Middle East and enables it to strike at the United States.
The United States will therefore support the war on terrorism through cooperation with Its allies, and that is what it has already achieved.
It supported the successes in Afghanistan and the holding of successful free elections. The Afghan people became an ally of the United States in its war on terror.

The United States, backed by the coalition, was able to defeat terrorism and kill one of their leaders, Zarqawi, at the time, having denied him safe haven in Iraq.
Second: the imposition of American hegemony, and the achievement of global control over the regions of the world.

The US counterterrorism strategy has given the United States the legal cover to control the world and integrate it under its leadership.
This strategy has enabled it to strengthen its influence in various parts of the world.
The US war on both Al Qaeda and the Taliban In 2001, Washington established military bases in Afghanistan and other countries in Central Asia and the Caucasus, under the guise of fighting terrorism, which strengthened its presence in the Caspian region. The success achieved by the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan made it move to the second step to counter terrorism.
Will strengthen its presence in the Middle East, targeting Iran and its nuclear program. Former President Obama announced in 2011 imposing economic sanctions on Iran by targeting Iran's oil exports, as well as the sanctions that banks will receive, even central banks conducting oil deals with Iran .
Former President Obama announced in 2012 that a peaceful solution with Iran is still possible, but other options are on the table to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons, and will pressure both China and other countries that support exports to the United States.

Third, control of the oil resources and control of its prices, which enables the United States to control the economic interests of the major powers.
The main motive behind the US campaign against terrorism is control of oil. The United States has taken control of Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Iran, and finally Africa, in order to control the oil wells from their old sites extending from the Gulf to their new positions in the Caspian Sea, China and Russia are denied access to Caspian oil.
Afghanistan is strategically important in terms of its geographical location as a route to transport oil and natural gas exports from Central Asia to the Arabian Sea through a pipeline that runs through Afghanistan.
The transfer of Caspian oil through Russian It will enable it to control the Central Asian countries, and its transfer through Iran will support Iran's economic resources. This is contrary to the US interest in isolating Iran.
Its transfer through China is politically risky and its economic cost is high. The road across Afghanistan will bring the United States its goal of controlling oil sources.

Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world after Saudi Arabia, accounting for 11% of the world's reserves.
This figure may be even greater, due to the suspension of oil exploration since 1980, as well as the low production cost and high quality.
The board of directors of the largest oil companies in the US and the Bush administration, there are about 100 officials in the White House administration are investing in the energy sector, forcing them to press for the acquisition of the lion's share of Iraqi oil.
Second, control of oil prices: This enables the United States of America to prevent the OPEC countries, especially the Middle East, from controlling the setting of oil prices, and will reduce the burden on the US economy because of the consequences of the events of 11 September, The price of a barrel of oil would enable the United States to cut its payments.
This was the main motive behind the occupation of Iraq.
A 10-dollar price cut would yield a lot of gains and revive its recession-hit economy because of the events of September 11.