Russia is preparing for World War III

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin's moves suggest he is preparing for the outbreak of World War III, Newsweek said, asking whether President Donald Trump was doing the same.
Russia, surrounded by enemies, is preparing to wage an epic war to survive, at least what Russian President Vladimir Putin wants its citizens to believe, the newspaper said in a recent report.
Every morning Russia's official television broadcasts video footage of Russian planes flying over Syria, punctuated by pictures of NATO tanks and troops near Russia's border.
In most Russian propaganda, the Kremlin claims that the country is in a war based on truth.
The most disturbing aspect of the Kremlin's tone, Newsweek says, is that the war is imminent. In 2013, before the start of the conflict in Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry's annual strategic plan predicted a serious regional or global conflict involving Russia before 2023. Andrew McConghan, an expert at Oxford and the NATO Defense College in Rome, says senior Russian officials are talking not about "what if" but "when the big war will be.
Preparing for Armageddon- ‘How to survive
President Putin has called on the companies to turn to war production and return to Soviet defense doctrine that every factory must be ready to produce tanks, bullets and aircraft.
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