The city of Eram mentioned in Surat Al Fajr in the Holy Quran of the country of Aad.

People of Eram of the people of Aad.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "And the dawn, the tenth night, the shafa, the tuter, and the night. In the country. "(Al-Fajr: 1-7)

The tribe of Erm was named by the name of the grandfather of Aad, who was the son of the son of Aad Bin Aus bin Sam bin Noah, peace be upon him, and some of the people who had settled the land in ancient times, and they chanted many of us stronger and higher, forgetting that the God who created them is the most severe Of them were strong, and the most powerful of them was the highest, and the remainder of them showed that they were giants that were very tall compared to us today; one of them was twelve cubits in the air (about six meters).
And became two kings after the death of their father, and they were mighty, they did not worship the people and the country and took Be forcibly and forcibly.
And became two kings after the death of their father, and they were mighty, they did not worship the people and the country and took Be forcibly and forcibly.

The city of Erm is located in the heart of the desert region of Rafha in the Sultanate of Oman.
It is about 150 km away from the city of Salalah.
The city was characterized by its high built architecture.
When they rebelled against the teachings of Islam and did not adhere to the correct approach in their bondage to Allah, Allah sent them a messenger.
Allah has chosen one of them to preach and warn them and guide them to the straight path, and invite them to worship God alone, and chose for his mission to them our master Houd peace be upon him, and was at the core of their people and their supervision, called them To Islam and the unification of God The one who is not nothing like Him increasingly hired Shaddad in Hamlet and Zain him the devil what he did, and continued to build the city until it became alleged that his committee did not create like in the country, and continue growing
never heard what Hood commanded him peace be upon him.
It is about 150 km away from the city of Salalah.
The city was characterized by its high built architecture.
When they rebelled against the teachings of Islam and did not adhere to the correct approach in their bondage to Allah, Allah sent them a messenger.
Allah has chosen one of them to preach and warn them and guide them to the straight path, and invite them to worship God alone, and chose for his mission to them our master Houd peace be upon him, and was at the core of their people and their supervision, called them To Islam and the unification of God The one who is not nothing like Him increasingly hired Shaddad in Hamlet and Zain him the devil what he did, and continued to build the city until it became alleged that his committee did not create like in the country, and continue growing
never heard what Hood commanded him peace be upon him.

End of people Eram
When they did not respond to the call and guidance to God did not do the preaching of their messenger, God sent them a strong cockroach wind, destroyed them as you destroyed the oppressors before them, and eventually killed Shaddad bin and returned with him, punishment for them by God Almighty, and took the king after his son Marthad bin Shaddad, He was a Muslim believer in the Prophet of God Hood, peace be upon him, and after burying his father who died on the other side of Islam, placed a gold plate at his head, and wrote on him the words of his father Shaddad as follows: O you arrogant age long, I Shaddad bin returned the owner of the fortress built, And the West was very strong, and Hood came and we were astray before Hood; That the good thing, Vnasnah and called your money from Mahid, Vtahtna cry from the far horizon Vtvvina as planting in the middle of the harvest.
Sourat Al-Fajr by Yasser El Doussari
"In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful".
1. By the Dawn!
2. And by the ten nights (2)!
3. By the peer and the odd!
4. And by night when it flows!
5. Is not this an oath for a gifted person?
6. Have you not seen how your Lord acted with the ˒Aad
7. [with] Iram (3), [the city] at the remarkable column,
8. Which never was built among the cities?
9. And with the Ṯamūd who carved the rock in the valley?
10. And with Pharaoh, the man with the stakes?
11. All, were people who transgressed in [their] countries,
12. and there was much disorder.
13. So your Lord poured upon them a whip of punishment.
14. For your Lord is on the watch.
15. As for the man, when his Lord feels it by honoring him and filling him with good deeds, he says, "My Lord honored me."
16. But on the other hand, when He tests Him by restricting His sustenance, He says, "My Lord has degraded me."
17. But no! It is you rather, who are not generous towards the orphans;
18. Do not encourage one another to feed the poor,
19. who devour the inheritance with voracious greed,
20. and love the riches of boundless love.
21. Take care! When the earth will be completely pulverized,
22. And that your Lord will come as well as the angels, rank by rank,
23. And that day shall bring Hell; that day the man will remember. But what will he use to remember?
24. He will say, "Alas! What have I done good for my future life!
25. On that day, therefore, no one will punish as He chastises,
26. And no man shall know how to garrote as he is twisted.
27. "O you, soul soothed,
28. Return to your Lord, satisfied and acceptable;
29. So come in among My servants,
30. and enter My Paradise.
(1) Title taken from c. 1.
(2) By the ten nights: the first 10 days of the month of Ḏūl-Ḥijja, culminating in the Great Pilgrimage, the 9th day and the Feast of the 10th day (the feast of the sacrifice).
(3) Iram: city of the country of ˒Aad.
(4) By honoring him: (other meaning) being generous with him.