
Proof of the great explosion theory

Proof of the great explosion theory

We often think of space as peaceful and peaceful, but it is really a place full of violent events, including galaxies.

It is known that our galaxy Milky Way has collided with other galaxies in the past, and astronomers have now discovered that one of these collisions has resulted in a mysterious property called the "thick disk".

This collision occurred about 10 billion years ago, and was the only reason behind the emergence of stars in the interior galactic halo (dome-like structures extending above and below the galactic equator).

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 In addition, the collision increased the thickness of the Hungarian disk.

The halo of the Milky Way does not resemble the other spiral galaxies. 

The stars that are heavily scattered do not resemble heavy metals, and this is one of the things that characterize the very old stars because the spread of minerals throughout the universe came after the death of the first generations of stars formed in the form of an explosion The components of these stars are released into the surrounding space, which then enters the formation of new stars.

Astronomers have long thought that the Milky Way has seen many small collisions that fed stars in the halo, but these collisions are not recent. They have not actually occurred more than 10 billion years ago (13.8 billion years old).

However, thanks to recent data from the European Space Observatory (Gaia), one of the most accurate and detailed astronomical maps to date, a team of astronomers has been able to write more detailed observations of the stars of the inner halo and discover that most of them came from one source: Another galaxy called Enceladus, the video below shows a simulation of its collision with the Milky Way.

Astronomy scientist Amina Helmi of the University of Groningen told the Science Alert network: "Gaia's measurements of star movements in the halo of the inner Milky Way showed a large single bubble or kinetic structure. When we examined the chemical composition of the stars of this structure, we found a very specific chemical sequence It occurs only if the stars are born in the same system (and beyond the Milky Way).

There may be other reasons why the stars appear in the Hungarian halo, but there is nothing so big, it really dominates the inner halo. "

This evidence of this old collision helped solve an ancient mystery, the thick disk puzzle of the Milky Way.

This property exists in some spiral galaxies, but astronomers do not know why.

In the case of the Milky Way, the Hungarian disk can be divided into two different parts: the thin disc, which is about 400 light years old and contains gas, dust and stars.

The 1000-year-old thick disk contains only stars over 10 billion years old, such as the stars of the inner halo.

The three-dimensional models of the team show that they collided with a lunar galaxy dwarfed by the size of the little Magellan cloud - would fill the Milky Way's aura with stars, heat the pre-existing thin disc and extend it to thicker.

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Helmi and her team found 13 globular clusters associated with this dwarf galaxy, depending on their orbital orbits and star formation.

Research conducted on the previous Gaia data also yielded a similar result. It revealed a collision between about 8 and 11 billion years between our galaxy and a lunar galaxy, which resulted in the immersion of the inner halo of stars and the amplification of the thick disk.

All this means that there is a lot of work to be done now to locate the stars left by the other collisions, and to learn more about the Enceladus collision.

"The next step is to give a better description of the Enceladus galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy in their infancy, because now we know how to separate them. This will provide us with a unique understanding of the shape of galaxies at the beginning of the universe and the phenomenon of high red displacement, Galaxies that are picked up by a Hubble probe, for example.

My dream finds the results of her team very exciting because it has enabled us to learn something new and very important about our galaxy in which we live.

She explained that we did not know previously the history of our galaxy, and we did not know whether most of the Hungarian halo stars born in the Milky Way or elsewhere, did not know how formed thick disks.

"This was an important event in the history of the Milky Way! It's amazing that we are now aware of this, this is very exciting. "

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