
Symptoms of zinc deficiency in children

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in children

What is zinc?

Zinc is a staple food for metabolic processes in the body. It stimulates more than 100 enzymes, contributes to protein synthesis and helps regulate gene expression. Since the human body does not store excess zinc for its daily needs, it should be consumed regularly as part of the diet. Common sources of food for zinc are red meat, poultry and fish. The daily need is about 8 mg per day for women and 11 mg for men. Commercial supplements of zinc contain 7 to 80 mg of zinc, usually found in the form of zinc oxide or salts with acetate or gluconate, In this The article will talk about zinc deficiency in children and symptoms

Benefits of zinc

This makes it clear that zinc has many benefits that contribute to natural growth and maintain the stability of the natural functions of the body in normal cases as well as disease and its benefits:

Increases immunity and helps fight cold attacks.
It acts as an antioxidant and this may contribute to cancer resistance.
Plays a role in the balance of hormones.
Plays a positive role in diabetes and supports blood vessels, which contributes positively to heart health.
Prevents diarrhea.
Increases fertility.
Helps digest and absorb nutrients

Causes of zinc deficiency

Zinc deficiency is caused by many factors. It is estimated that zinc deficiency contributes to the deaths of more than half a million people annually from infants and children under the age of five. It is important to know that the need for zinc increases physiologically in pregnant women and adults and this itself may be a factor in the case of Lack of dietary intake of zinc It should also be noted that the ability of the body to increase gastric absorption of zinc in the case of lack of intake with food is limited and this will aggravate zinc deficiency in the event of occurrence due to several factors, including:

Breastfeeding the baby from his mother's breast to a later age.

Low birth weight infants, especially if food choices do not contain enough zinc.

Poor gastrointestinal function.

Foods Source of Zinc

In the low-resource areas, intestinal dysfunction may lead to zinc absorption disorder or increased loss, which increases the need for it.

Of cases and diseases that are a risk factor for zinc deficiency: alcoholism, inflammatory bowel disease - including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis - Sucellular absorption syndromes such as celiac disease

Symptoms of zinc deficiency in children
5 Warning Signs Of Zinc Deficiency You Should Never Ignore 

The body uses zinc in cell proliferation and immune processes and is an essential part of the process of natural growth, proper sexual development and prevention of infections. Therefore, it will be noticed in its lack of disturbance of these natural processes. 5) The problem lies in the diagnosis of zinc deficiency. Blood tests, urine tests, or hair analysis. The identification of the cause of zinc deficiency requires additional surveys. Symptoms of zinc deficiency in children include:

Delayed growth.
Hair loss.
Inflammation of the tongue.
Nail atrophy.
Immunodeficiency, which predisposes infections.
Deficiency of the genitals.
Neurodegenerative disorder - impaired concentration and memory for older children.
Delayed wound healing.
Changes in sense of smell and taste.

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