The difference between the jinn, Satan and lucifer

The world of jinn and demons
People often talk about the world of jinn and demons as a hidden world that is surrounded by many magical stories and exciting news.
It is God's mercy to his worshipers to make this world invisible or tangible to us, and perhaps if people get acquainted with the world of jinn and devils and see what they are of creation and customs Why did not we let them live in this life?
The difference between the jinn, Satan and Satan
And when Allah sent His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to the eternal message, he heard a jinn from the jinn to the Holy Quran, so they marveled at the pattern of his verses, and with his beautiful words, and the beauty of its expression and the eloquence of its words.
and these people believed in the message of the Prophet Muhammad, they became faithful believers do not call the word demons, and therefore there is a difference between the term Jinn, demons and Satan, what are the most prominent of these differences:
Difference in term
That the jinn is a name that indicates the sex of all the creatures that God created from fire, and it was named as well because it covets any hidden from the eyes, the Almighty said: (When the night came to him) [cattle: 76] .
The creatures created by God from clay are the human beings of Adam and his descendants, but Satan is a term does not indicate sex, but indicates the class of the varieties of these creatures acquired that status because of its actions and misguidance and rebellion against the Creator Almighty, and rejection of faith in the message of Islam, And the language of the devil of Satan The devil is a term referring to the leader of the jinn and the demons. All devils are descendants of Satan, as it is said that all human beings are descended from Adam, peace be upon him.
Difference in faith
That it is correct to say that every demon is a genie, and it is not correct to say that every demon reaping, and the oath of the believer does not dissuade or seduce the human, while the apostles of the devils perform the tasks which the devil is entrusted to them.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that the devil puts his throne on the water and then sends his servants out of the devils to perform the task of seducing the sons of Adam and their disobedience.