The price of fear of God

The price of fear of God

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "And you are afraid if you are believers." [Al-Imran: 175].
Human beings vary in degrees of fear of God, and most fear the closest to him in most of his knowledge and orders and intentions.
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Hence it turns out that the fear of God causes, as well as the fruits earned by the fearless in the world and the Hereafter.
Signs of fear of God
The fear of God if one possesses the heart of one's reflection on his words and actions and his silence and movements;
The sins are magnified, even though they are small in contrast to the hypocrites.
He breaks his heart and humbles to Allaah.
Crying for fear of God Almighty.
Accelerates the performance of human rights.
The heart is filled with light, which sees the truth, and distinguishes it from evil.
He is quick to obey God Almighty.
Allaah will ask forgiveness whenever he is misguided and guilty.
He is far from everything that requires punishment and the wrath of Allaah.
His tongue utters the beneficial benefit, leaving the curiosity of speech, and keeps him from going into the symptoms of people.
He refrains from doing the sins secretly and publicly.
Avoid the incest of God.
God constantly watches in secret and in public.
He comes out of the world and attaches it to his heart, and dwells instead of the Hereafter and seeks it.
His heart is filled with the love of God and mankind with his pleasures.
Blames himself for negligence and negligence.
He increases his good deeds and concludes with God Almighty.
Reasons for fear of God
God Almighty.
Maximizing God Almighty.
Think about God's ability, anger and revenge.
Think about the horrors of the Day of Resurrection and the fire of Hell.
Think about death and torment of the grave.
Sensing the ugliness of sin and its torment.
The fruit of fear of God
The fear of God Almighty has great fruits in this world and the Hereafter on the individual:
God bless and praise him.
In the shadow of Allah, there is no shadow except His shadow.
God fulfills his promise to enter his paradise and enjoy it.
God is forbidden to fire; the eye that tears from the fear of God is not touched by fire.
People fear him;
Happy in this world and the Hereafter.
Feel reassured and calm.
God Almighty in the earth and victory over his enemies.
God saves him from all evil and evil.
He forgives his sins and his evils.
God guides him and reconcile him.
Release his distress and worries.
The one who fears Allah in this world is his security on the Day of Judgment, and from the security of the torment of Allaah in this world, his fear on the Day of Judgment, and God does not gather his slave to security or fear.
In the hadeeth of Al-Qudsi, Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): On the Day of Resurrection, and if I am safe in this world I will hide it in the Hereafter. "