Way to "ISLAM"

God Almighty revealed to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him the law of Islam to be the end of the laws and celestial messages, did not leave the Holy Prophet companions even sermons in them the famous farewell speech to show them the completion of religion, and the message of the message, the Islamic religion has included everything that serves the lives of people in this world, Islam also represents a comprehensive constitution that is applicable to all levels and in different circumstances and times.
5steps to become a muslim
No one will accept a religion or another path, "The one who seeks Islam other than Islam will not accept it while he is in the Hereafter among the losers."
The path to this great religion is easy, with no obstacles or difficulties, no excuse for anyone to recognize the nature of the religion and to facilitate it. We have another.
The Way to Islam

The people's quest for this great religion and embrace it should pass through several ways, including:
That the person opens his heart to all that is right, listening to the right words paid, and does not close his eyes to the light that radiates in front of him, creating darkness, and this fact must be available to those who in his heart the intention to enter Islam and embrace, but the one who does not want to see the light of truth and touch the effects His ears and close his eyes will never realize the greatness of this religion will not find his light to his heart a way.
How to be a real muslim
That the person seeks the pursuit of the right behind the right, sitting in his home does not come to the livelihood and money, as well as those who embrace falsehood does not realize the right only if he walked in the paths and sought to obtain the right to strive relentlessly and irreversible.
That a person should adhere to the truth when he realizes it.
A person is on his way to Islam and after Allaah has explained his chest to him, he must take care of him and adhere to it and oblige him to apply his rulings and adhere to his commands and avoid his intentions.
The call to this great religion as one way to save people, when a person embraces this religion and feel the happiness in his heart and the tranquility that descends on his chest with God and his senses and mercy, and the conviction that does not address weakness, it is enough to make the person starts to call people to this religion Which is the only lifeboat of creation in the shadow of the mighty waves and the stormy winds.