
The Unseen World and the Testimony

The Unseen World and the Testimony 

The world of the unseen and the witness

Limits of human perception

It is known that man has the mental and physical abilities God gave him; to meditate in this universe, and to think about his creation and the conduct of his affairs, and regardless of the human mind and the strength of prey, such as sight, hearing and others, And beyond this universe of worlds and hidden can not be imagined, so it is natural that the world we live in two worlds: a world we see with our eyes and reach our minds and minds, and perhaps hands touch or taste, a tangible physical world and scenes and known law In the religion of the world of martyrdom, and there is a world that misses our sense, our consciousness and our minds, and our neighbors, the world of the unseen.

The world of martyrdom

When you see the earth with its soil, touch it with your hands, and pick up a flower from the green fields that you see with your eyes, so that you can see it with your nose, and contemplate it with your eyes, and you will hear the voice of the birds, and it will sing in your blue sky.

This is the world of martyrdom. Your eyes and eyes saw giant telescopes, and I showed it to you and then I saw it in your eyes.

I took it and became a scientist. Also, when you see the phases of the fetus being created by microscopic microscopes, you have seen what was absent from you in the past.

I saw, it may be what they missed from you felt your information today, these are seen worlds that we can aware and knows God Almighty, but what about the unseen world.

the unknown

We do not see the angels, we do not hear their voices, we do not see the jinn and the demons, and we have not seen the seventh heaven, nor have we seen paradise and fire, nor have we seen the grave including it.

 These are all gibias we do not know at all, He alone took note of the world of the unseen and the witness, there is no God but Him, and because man can not know His Mysteries, the world of the unseen, God has revealed to him some hidden from Him, and his sense through revelation from God.

The Prophets and Messengers, peace and blessings be upon them, were preachers and forerunners of Allah.

 They called us to worship God Almighty, who informed us of His revelation, and informed us of the divine revelation of the existence of Paradise for those who obeyed Allah and obeyed His commands and informed us of the Fire and God forbid to those who disobey Allah and disobey Him.

To inform people of some of the unseen, which we believe in our belief in the truth messages supporting the Almmsosat seen, which are miracles, Glory to God the world of the unseen and the witness.

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