
What is the difference between the jinn and the devil?

What is the difference between the jinn and the devil?

What is the difference between the jinn and the devil?

creation of the God

God created a variety of creatures, which differed among themselves in the origin of creation and origin, as differed in their qualities and attributes, and among those creatures jinn and demons, has talked about their world, God Almighty in his book, as contained in the Prophet's Hadith in his description, and that This world is undoubtedly different from the world of humanity to which we are clearly different.

 What is this world that is absent from us? What is the difference between the jinn and demons?

Origin of the creation of jinn

In this book, God Almighty addressed mankind with a single speech when he explained the cause of their creation. He said: "And I created the jinn and mankind only to worship." The worship of Allaah is obligatory for all mankind and the oath without exception.

They were created from clay, while the Jinn created Marj from fire, so the natures and qualities of each of them were different from each other.

 God Almighty has determined to create the jinn before mankind, and this is what the verses indicate when God created Adam and commanded the angels to prostrate him.

How Iblis become a Satan

Satan is among those who prostrate to prostrate It made him close his angels to worship God in his diligence, but he refused only disobey God's command was from Scamps damned.

The difference between the jinn and demons
As for the difference between the jinn and the devil, the jinn is a name for the genus of creation and its type.

And the devil is the language of the devil of any dimension, and called the devil as well because it is far from the mercy of God Almighty, and therefore the jinn are divided into two parts believer, has been proven by the Prophet peace be upon him that the delegation of Jin Nisibin, listened to the Koran, They have asked the Prophet And the second part of the jinn are the demons and they are infidels infidels of the genus of the devil on him the curse of God, and they carried on their shoulders the great task in the disintegration of humans and whispers to them, and the characteristics of The two types of jinn are the inability of humans to see them, and they may be represented in the form of varieties of animals.

 In the hadith that the black dog is a demon, God has protected us from their infidels.

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