Strange information about the world

This world is full of everything, and there are secrets that anyone will be surprised to hear about for the first time.
The secrets of the world are many, but we have chosen for you 10 secrets and information strange to him, you know them:
Today is not 24 hours, but 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds.
Each year 2000 discovers a new marine species.
10.90% of volcanoes located above the Earth occur in deep ocean.
The most photographed thing in the world is a star in space 6 billion kilometers from the Earth, which appeared as a faint blue dot.
The amount of ice in Antarctica is equal to all the water in the Atlantic Ocean.
Every day the world knows 8 million and 600,000 lightning storms.
Every day, a portion of the satellites that have been installed in the space as a garbage dump falls on the Earth.
Falling on the Earth from space every day is a mass of 100 tons of meteorite dust.
Only 7.3% of the world's water is fresh, while 97% of it is brackish.
10. A million marine organisms are believed to live in the oceans, and only 33 per cent have been discovered so far?